03. Women's Legal Issues

woman lawyer

3.  Women’s Legal Issues

Feminist Legal Clinic [Australia]
“Advancing the human rights of women & girls”

Independent Women’s Voice.  “Women’s Bill of Rights.” [2022]
“We know what a woman is, what a female is, and what a mother is. Our politicians and our laws should too.
         "Radical gender ideologues are trying to redefine womanhood as a subjective state unrelated to biology. This isn’t just about semantics. This limits our opportunities and threatens our privacy and our safety.”

Legal Feminist (UK)
“... a collective of UK solicitors and barristers… [curate] feminist interrogation of the law and how it works, or fails to work for women.”  

Wendy Murphy, J.D.
Adjunct professor of sexual violence law at New England Law Boston

Shattering Glass
“…dedicated to fighting for gender equality and gender equity to ensure that our daughters, granddaughters and their children can achieve their dreams, know their worth, and live in a world free of barriers, discrimination and bias. We do this through advocacy, education and outreach - presenting the issues women face, the policies that need to change and the proposed solutions.”

Stop Female Erasure

“Female erasure involves the removal of words that are specific to females and our biologically sexed bodies in language and in law. Around the world, the words female, mother, woman, and girls are being removed from news articles, advertisements,  public health campaigns and in laws that are directly related to our female bodies and their biological processes which directly impact the  privacy, safety, and rights of women and girls.”

Humankind is made up of two sexes, women and men. Is it possible for humankind to grow by the improvement of only one part while the other part is ignored? Is it possible that if half of a mass is tied to earth with chains that the other half can soar into skies?  
― Mustafa Kemal Atatürk  


Nolan Dorn, Veronica Barreto, McKenzie Johnson.  “Nebraska legislature passes abortion, gender-affirming surgery bans.” [2023]

Keep Prisons Single Sex [KPSS].  [UK]   "Sex and gender in legislation:  The case against ‘Legal sex change.’”  [2023]

Tyler Kingkade.  “How a Title IX harassment case at Yale in 1980 set the stage for today's sexual assault activism.” [2014]

Ann Menasche.  "The feminist amendments to the U.S. Equality Act: A new radical feminist approach to challenging gender ideology."  [2020]

Stacy Morford. “Privacy isn’t in the Constitution – but it’s everywhere in constitutional law.” [2022] https://archive.ph/wip/Sz1Gu

Meghan Murphy.  “Gender preference has no place on a birth certificate.” [2018]


It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. ... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less.
―Susan B. Anthony


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Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights
P.O. Box 1224; Carbondale Illinois 62903
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