Thank you for your interest in our speakers bureau. The Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights (GASBR) will work to help you schedule one of our subject matter experts to speak at your event; appear on your podcast, television or radio show; or to be available for an interview to support your journalistic work intended for publication.
The hostility with which our political perspective on the isues we organize around requires that some of our speakers take certain precauitions to protect their employment, income and families from violence and a cancel culture encouraged by the weaponization of wokeness. Some, but not all, of our speakers will only be available only using a pseudonym; only in audio but not video or personal appearances; and may choose to distort their voices to protect their anonymity. Others are willing to use their real names, show their faces and take full responsibility for the information and research they share and the opinions they express.
Please review the biographies linked on this page, and use the form below to make your request for one of our speakers. We will do our best to make one of our subject-matter-experts available for your event or program. We look forward to working with you.
Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights
P.O. Box 1224; Carbondale Illinois 62903
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