13.  Profitting off Women's Bodies: Prostitution and Trafficking, including Grooming. Surrogacy

Nevada brothel


13.  Profitting off Women's Bodies:  Prostitution and Trafficking, including Grooming. Surrogacy

Asian Women for Equality
"...to change society attitudes towards women, especially women of Asian descent; to advance equality for Asian women; and to create opportunities for Asian women to have meaningful participation and to take leadership roles in civil society.  Asian Women for Equality sees prostitution as a form of male violence against women that can be eradicated."


Arienh Autumn
"Anarcha-Feminist, sex trafficking survivor"

Enough Is Enough
"Making the Internet safer for children and families"
(Has extensive material on trafficking, pornography, etc.)

International Coalition for the Abolition of Surrogate Motherhood/
Coalition Internationale pour l'Abolition de lat Maternité de Substitution
"... a coalition of feminist and human rights organizations, founded in 2018 to fight against reproductive exploitation."

Make Her Story
“Taking action however we can, whenever we can, to end the abuse, enslavement and trafficking of women and girls in the UK and beyond...”

Nordic Model Now!
“Movement for the Abolition of Prostitution”

 Prostitution Research & Education 
“…research on prostitution, pornography and trafficking … PRE’s goal is to abolish the institution of prostitution while … advocating for alternatives to trafficking and prostitution – including emotional and physical healthcare for women in  prostitution. The roots of prostitution are in the assumption  that men are entitled to buy women for sex, in racism, and in women’s poverty.”


Reaching Out Romania
"Over the years we have assisted 750 victims, mostly Romanian women and girls who have been enslaved and abused in many European countries. We offered them home as well as psychological, medical and legal assistance and we made them part of our family."

Red Light Exposé 
"International podcast with a critical take on the sex trade. Run by 8 survivors + 2 allies. Against the institutionalization of commercial sexual exploitation."

Resist Exploitation Embrace Dignity [REED]  “Currently paused”
“Standing with and for women who have been sexually exploited & challenging the demand for their bodies”

SPACE International [Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment]
“SPACE was first formed in Ireland, in 2012, for the purpose  of changing social attitudes towards prostitution and pressing for its recognition as a sexually exploitative human rights violation.”

Stop the Sex Industry [Sweden]

Decades from now, people will look back and wonder how societies could have acquiesced in a sex slave trade in the twenty-first century that is... bigger than the transatlantic slave trade was in the nineteenth. They will be perplexed that we shrugged as a lack of investment in maternal health caused half a million women to perish in childbirth each year. 
― Sheryl WuDunn, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide


Julia Beck. “International study puts new face on prostitution: Men.”  [2022]

Taina Bien-Aimé.  “Maine makes history: First U.S. set to listen to sex trade survivors and pass equality model:  The law requires an understanding that purchasing sexual acts is not a harmless pastime for lonely men or a way to feed uncontrollable sexual urges, but rather is a practice of gender-based violence.” [2023]}

Julie Bindel.  "How Leeds enables ‘paid rape’: The local authorities' approach to prostitution facilitates trafficking, assault — and even murder." [2022]

_____. “Prostitutes are slaves, not workers: Brenda Myers-Powell 'kicked ass' to make it from the ho house to the White House.” [2021]

_____. "There’s nothing woke about the sex trade: Where is the outrage about the sexual exploitation of women of colour?" [2019]

Kaysa Ekis Ekman. “Trade unions that never fight the sex industry bosses.”  [2013]

Melissa Farley, Ph.D. “Prostitution is sexual violence. [2004]

_____. “The real harms of prostitution.” [2010]

Melissa Farley, Ph.D., Martha E. Banks, Rosalie J. Ackerman and Jacqueline M. Golding. “Screening for traumatic brain injury in prostituted women.”  [2018]

Melissa Farley, Ph.D., Inge Kleine, Kerstin Neuhaus, Yoanna McDowell, Silas Schultz, Saskia Nischmann.  “Men who pay for legal sex in Germany and what they teach us about the failure of legal prostitution: A 6-country study of the sex trade from the perspective of the socially invisible ‘freiers.’”  [2022]

Chelsea Geddes.  “No, decriminalization of johns and pimps has not improved our safety or lives.”  [2018]

Zachary George.  "Misogyny is revisionism. Part 2: The masque of the 'red' pimp." [2017]

Georgia Green Party. “Georgia Party officers welcome Governor’s focus on sex-trafficking, urge support for Nordic model.” [2020]


Luke Gibbons.  "'The porn industry is modern-day slavery': How pornography and sex trafficking are linked." [2019]

Patience Griswold. "MA bill would allow women to sell their unborn children." [2024]

Tala Hartsough. "Asylum for trafficked women: Escape strategies beyond the T Visa." [2002]
(To access this document, please copy the link and download into your browser.)

While he who strikes the blow forgets, [s]he who bears the scar remembers.
― Haitian proverb

Amanda Hess. “Most of what you think you know about sex trafficking isn’t true.” [2014]

Morgan Horn. “Why do Marxist feminists oppose liberal feminists’ claims that porn and prostitution are liberating for women?” [2018]

Paul Hunter.  “Andrew Tate was open about his crimes, many of which were caught on camera.” [2023]

Gwyn Kirk, Rachel Cornwell, and Margo Okazawa-Rey.  “Women and the U.S. military in South Asia.” [2000]

Richard Luscombe and agencies.   “Appeal raises $150,000 for girl ordered to pay family of accused rapist she killed: Judge had ‘no other option’ but to impose restitution on human trafficking victim given probation with risk of 20 years’ prison.” [2022]

Kathleen H. S. Moon.  “Military prostitution and the U.S. military in Asia.” [2009]

Meghan Murphy.  "Being and being bought: An interview with Kajsa Ekis Ekman." [2014]

Nordic Model Now.  “‘Decriminalisation of the sex trade vs. the Nordic Model: What you need to know’ booklet.”  [2022]

_____.   “Nordic Model Now:  Handbook for universities.”  [2022]

_____.   “Students for sale: Tools for resistance.” [2022]

Christopher Rufo.  “The real story behind Drag Queen Story Hour.” [2022]

Melinda Sampson.  "Native American women & girls: victimization and resiliency." [2020]

Kalyn Womack. “Black teenage girl who killed her rapist ordered to pay $150k to his estate: The bill created to protect trafficking victims in cases like this did not get passed in the state.” [2022]

All you have to do, I tell myself, is keep your mouth shut and look stupid. It shouldn't be that hard.
― Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale


Center for Bioethics and Culture.  "Surrogacy." This site links to all films on the subject by Jennifer Lahl. 
       The films include
       "#BigFertility: It’s All About the Money,"
       "Breeders: A Subclass of Women?"

Georgia Green Party.  “Ending men’s violence against women with this generation [in 13 short episodes].” With Denise Traina, Vednita Carter, Robert Jensen and Hilla Kerner.  [2020/2022]  VIDEO
     Episode 1.  “Why is sexual exploitation being cast as female empowerment?”

Woman’s Place UK. “A woman’s place takes nerves of steel [with Michael Moore]." (Sheffield, 20th September 2018)  VIDEO


No woman deserves to be disrespected; to be beaten up, to be called bitches or sluts. Assaulted or insulted. Even if she's a hooker. 
― Imam Shah


Julie Bindel.  The pimping of prostitution: Abolishing the sex work myth.  [2017]  

          (Review) https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1100&context=dignity

Mia Döring.  Any girl: a memoir of sexual exploitation and recovery.  [2022]      


Kaysa Ekis Ekman.  Being and being bought: Prostitution, surrogacy and the split self. [2014]  


Melissa Farley, Ph.D.  Prostitution, trafficking and traumatic stress. [2004]  


_____.   Prostitution and trafficking in Nevada:  Making the connections. [2007]  


Rachel Moran.  Paid for: My journey through prostitution. [2015]


Saundrea Pollack Sturdevant, Brenda Stoltzfux.  Let the good times roll: Prostitution and the US military in Asia. (1993)  BOOK                         


Why do we legislate hard against practices like fraud and not against exploitation of women's bodies? How have we got to a point as a community where we value money over people's dignity? My guess would be because where fraud is taking place, institutions are losing money, whereas where exploitation of images of women's bodies is taking place, institutions are directly or indirectly, making money or, at the very least, not losing any... So where's the economic incentive to defend against the human cost? It is women who pay and culture that suffers. 
― Scarlett Curtis, Feminists Don't Wear Pink (And Other Lies): Amazing Women on What the F-Word Means to Them 

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