1B. Women’s Resistance to Male Chauvinism and Anti-Feminism. Activism: Nonviolent Organizing and Protest, Lawsuits
Kara Dansky
“…committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout society.”
Let Women Speak
Stop Patriarchy
“End pornography and patriarchy: The enslavement & degradation of women”
Resource Kit
Yes All Women
“Yes all women go through physical, mental and sexual abuse.”
First of all, nobody gave us anything. It makes me furious when I hear that they gave us suffrage. Excuse me? It took 72 years of unrelenting, unbroken organizing grassroots effort to get women's suffrage. It took 113 years to get rid of child labor by law. It took similarly long periods of organized effort to accomplish any advance in social policy.
― Gerda Lerner
Julie Bindel. “Why I sued Pink News: Allegations of sexual abuse and coercive control were aimed at me.” [2021]
Hadley Freeman. “Why I’m suing Survivors’ Network: Rape victims need female-only spaces.” [2022]
IMDb. “Suffragette.” [2015]
Sirin Kale. “The legendary women's rights activist who mailed Obama a coat hanger: Laura X led the campaign to outlaw marital rape across the USA in the 1970s and 1980s.” [2016]
June Kelly. “Woman suing rape charity over transgender row.” [2022]
Tyler Kingcade. “How a Title IX harassment case at Yale in 1980 set the stage for today's sexual assault activism.” [2014]
Morgan Laird. “What’s current: Campaigners in Ottawa protest the transfer of male offenders to women’s prisons” [2022]
Kamala Lopez. “Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust files ERA lawsuits to save women’s rights: ‘By declaring the ERA’s validity, this Court will prevent the Supreme Court from overruling Roe and protect women’s basic human right to control their own lives,’ attorneys wrote in each of the three complaints."
Chris Marr. “Last-minute bid to save right to abortion comes via ERA lawsuits.” [2022]
Wendy Murphy. “An open letter to Harvard Law Professor Nancy Gartner.” [2023]
Tyler O’Neil. “First lesbian reinstated to U.S. Army comes out against transgender 'erasure of women'.” [2018]
Rebecca. “Transcript of a speech from the Melbourne Let Women Speak Event: Please note this is not my speech, but the amazing speech of a remarkable Australian woman.” [2023]
Raquel Rosario Sánchez. “Why this feminist is taking the University of Bristol to court.” [2022]
Kathleen Stock. “Doing better in arguments about sex, gender and trans rights: Radical feminist and gender-critical philosophers challenge their opponents to avoid some obviously bad argumentative moves.” [2019]
Karen Trinko. “This mom is fighting her school’s LGBT indoctrination.” [2019]
The prolonged slavery of women is the darkest page in human history.
― Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Linda Hirschman. Reckoning: The epic battle against sexual abuse and harassment. [2019] BOOK
Women may be the one group that grows more radical with age.
― Gloria Steinem