10. Bigotry and Violence Against Women and Women’s Rights Advocates, e.g. Verbal and Physical Abuse, Dishonor, Hate Speech, Libel, Harassment, Bullying, Silencing, Cancelling ("Cancel Culture), Firing, Deplatforming, Threats, Assault, Murder. Erasure

woman with mouth taped


10. Bigotry and Violence Against Women and Women’s Rights Advocates, e.g. Verbal and Physical Abuse, Dishonor, Ridicule and Derision, Hate Speech, Libel, Harassment, Bullying, Silencing, Cancelling Cancelling ("Cancel Culture), Firing, Deplatforming, Threats, Assault, Murder. Erasure 

This is the general category of violence against women.  Entries for violence by trans rights activists are located in
10B. The Politics of Transgender Violence Against Women:  Hate Speech, Bigotry, Violence and Terrorism Against Women Committed by Trans "Rights" Activists or Enabled by Them  [e.g. Prisoners].  Psychology and Misogyny of the Trans Cult.

Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women
 “... to stop violence against Native women  and children by advocating for social change in our communities.”                                                                     

Counting Dead Women
Karen Ingala Smith
“CEO of nia, a London-based domestic and sexual violence charity working to end violence against women and girls… writing…  in a personal capacity.”

Defend Feminists
“Stand up for democracy and oppose the blacklisting of feminists!”
“… to expose abuse towards feminists who suffer damage to their reputations, careers and who endure social ridicule, defamation, libel and threats of violence, and in some cases, actual physical harm due to expressing woman-centered feminist views.”
Justice for Ann [Menasche] Committee

Gender Identity Watch
"Watching legal developments that erase female reality"



Before the suffragettes came along, women were treated like dogs... They were dolls, with no thoughts, or opinions, or voices of their own. Then the suffragettes marched in, full of loud, in-your-face ideas. They got arrested and thrown in jail, but nothing shut them up. They fought and fought until they earned the rights they should've had all along.” 
― Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak


Greens Against 'No Debate' [Australia]

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

Runners Alliance
“... an initiative to help make running safer for women.”

UN Women. Global Database on Violence Against Women
[To] provide easy access to comprehensive and up-to-date information on measures undertaken by Governments to address all forms of violence against women; Increase opportunities for exchange of experiences in addressing violence against women..."

We Are Fair Cop [UK]
“...   individuals who have… shared concerns about police attempts to criminalise people for expressing opinions that don’t contravene any laws.”

Wicked Pickets [Australia]

Yes All Women
Yes all women go through physical, mental and sexual abuse.”

Women who accuse men, particularly powerful men, of harassment are often confronted with the reality of the men’s sense that they are more important than women, as a group.
― Anita Hill, Speaking Truth to Power


Jonathan Ames. “Allison Bailey: Stonewall’s activism is ‘like protection racket’.” [2022]

Alessandra Asteriti.  “How I became the queen of Italian TERFs.” [2023]

Jarryd Bartle.  “Why gay men ignored MeToo: What’s wrong with cruising?” [2022]

Jennifer Bilek.  “Janice Raymond: The original Terf: Despite decades of abuse, she refuses to be silent.” [2021]

Julie Bindel.  “Don’t blame testosterone for male violence: Even trans men live in a world of masculine entitlement.” [2021]

_____.  “Why I sued Pink News: Allegations of sexual abuse and coercive control were aimed at me.” [2021]

_____.  "Aileen Wuornos was no monster: Why do we continue to sensationalise this tormented woman's desperate life?" [2020]

Petra Bueskens.  “Guilt by association.” [2023]

Kara Dansky. "This is a record of women’s dissent:  Dana Rivers is a man. No men in women’s prisons." [2022]

Defend Feminists.  “Interview with feminist Renee Gerlich, of New Zealand.”  [2019]

Defend Feminists Campaign.“Call to action!: Defend Thistle Pettersen & stand up for democracy.” [2022]

 _____. “Inciting violence has no place on the Left.” [2020]

Jess De Wahls.  “How the RA [Royal Academy of Arts] uncancelled me: Last year they dropped me; now I'm back.” [2022]

Sarah Ditum.  “Murdered by a police officer while walking home: The story of Sarah Everard.” [2021]

Dr. Em.  “How drag degrades women: Sexism in a dress is still sexism.” [2022]

M.K.Fain.  “Is drag misogynistic?: It’s time to stop letting gay men off the hook.”  [2023]
Highly recommended discussion of misogyny in the drag and gay communities.

Tom Farr.  “J.K. Rowling and the Trojan horse of misogyny.”  [2022]

Federal Bureau of Investigation. Uniform crime reporting. “Crime in the U.S. 2018.” [2018]

Wayne Flower, Melbourne correspondent.  “EXCLUSIVE:   Inside the betrayal that drove MP Moira Deeming to fight for the protection of women’s rights - and why the suspended MP will NEVER be silenced.” [2023]


Silencing women silences justice. 
DaShanne Stokes 


Jean Hatchet. “Bullied at the library: In which a silent audience member is harassed.”  [2023]

_____.  “Women will play on: Don’t ask a woman to take herself out of the game.” [2023]

Ariane Hegewisch, Jessica Forden and Eve Mefferd.  “Paying today and tomorrow: Charting the financial costs of workplace sexual harassment.” [2021]

Linda Hirschman.  Reckoning: The epic battle against sexual abuse and harassment.  [2019]

Marco Iacoboni, M.D., Ph.D. "The potential role of mirror neurons in the contagion of violence."  [2013]

IMDb. “Suffragette.” [2015]

David S. Keil.  “Male-identified men are now adopting ‘terf’ as a hate word for ‘woman’.”  [2019]

Lierre Keith and Derrick Jensen.  “The emperor’s new penis.”[2013]   

Nico Lang. ”Sorry guys.  I’m not here for your casual misogyny: Gay men first and foremost are men.” [2023]

Graham Linehan.  "The murder tweets of Paris Lees: BBC's 'exciting new voice' sure tweets a lot about murdering people.” [2023]

_____. “This never happens: Except it does.  All the time.”  [2022]

Angela Marie MacDougall.  “Women, violence, homelessness and housing.”  [2023]

Jenny McCartney. “Women are being erased: A 'progressive' agenda has become surreal and poisonous.”  [2021]

The repulsive actions of the person who abused you do not identify you.
― Tanya R. Liverman, In The Mirror: A Woman's Saga


Wendy Murphy. “Wendy Murphy: Texas school shooter threatened to kill and rape girls in online messages, but nobody reported him.” [2022]

Kevin Rawlinson. “Police assessment places violence against women and girls on same footing as terrorism: First official document on VAWG in England and Wales is similar to those used for threats such as serious organised crime, say chiefs.” [2023]

Mark Serwotka. “The drive to expel feminists from Labour is creating a hostile  environment for women.” [2020] 

Lisa Annette Stanley.  “Equal Rights Amendment, hate speech & violence against women. Publish ERA.” [2022]

United Nations. “Violence against women: Facts everyone should know.” [2020]

Yağmur Uygarkızı. “The right to sex: A lesson in ‘pragmatic’ feminism.”  [2022]


Every woman knows what I'm talking about. It’s the presumption that makes it hard, at times, for any woman in any field; that keeps women from speaking up and from being heard when they dare; that crushes young women into silence by indicating, the way harassment on the street does, that this is not their world. It trains us in self-doubt and self-limitation just as it exercises men’s unsupported overconfidence. 
Rebecca Solnit


Akkad Daily. “Posie Parker’s illegal opinions.” [2020]  


Imam Arshad Anwar, Sulaiman Nureddin,  Fakiha Khan. “What does justice demand of our brothers?: Ending men’s violence with this generation.” Produced and edited by GASBR member Hugh Esco.  [2020] 

BBC News. "Why does violence against women so often go unpunished?." [2021]

Georgia Green Party.  “Ending men’s violence against women with this generation [in 13 short episodes].” With Denise Traina, Vednita Carter, Robert Jensen and Hilla Kerner.  [2020/2022]  
     Episode 1.  “Why is sexual exploitation being cast as female empowerment?”

Jackson Katz.  "Violence against women--it's a men's issue." [2012}
/transcript (VIDEO)
https://archive.ph/MasSL (transcript)

Graham Linehan.  “What really happened in Bristol: A new video shows the failings of Bristol police.” [2022]

https://archive.ph/wip/eQxU9Ann Menasche.  “Julian Vigo interviews Ann Menasche about her firing.”
[2023]  PODCAST

Woman’s Place UK. “A woman’s place takes nerves of steel [with Michael Moore]." (Sheffield, 20th September 2018)  VIDEO

Women’s Liberation Radio News. “The battle of Seattle: WLRN’s Edition 46 Podcast." [2020]  



When incels do occasionally crop up in news reports or conversations, they're so easily dismissed as a tiny fringe group of online weirdos. What you hear about them sounds so strange, so extreme, so hard to believe, so laughable even, that it is easy to shrug off, that's a mistake. 
The incel community is the most violent corner of the so-called manosphere. It is a community devoted to violent hatred of women. A community that actively recruits members who might have very real problems and vulnerabilities, and tells them that women are the cause of all their woes. A community in whose name over 100 people, mostly women, have been murdered or injured in the past ten years. And it's a community you have probably never even heard of.  

― Laura Bates, Men Who Hate Women - From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How It Affects Us All


Anita Hill.  Believing: our thirty-year journey to end gender violence.  [2021] BOOK


Linda Hirshman.  Reckoning: The epic battle against sexual abuse and harassment. [2019]  BOOK

John Stoltenberg.  Refusing to be a man: Essays on sex and justice.  [1989] ONLINE BOOK
(large print) http://feministes-radicales.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Stoltenberg-…

The crisis facing men is not the crisis of masculinity, it is the crisis of patriarchal masculinity. Until we make this distinction clear, men will continue to fear that any critique of patriarchy represents a threat.
— bell hooks. The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love



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Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights
P.O. Box 1224; Carbondale Illinois 62903
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