19. Indigenous and Third World Women, including African-American Women
Association of War Affected Women (AWA) [Sri Lanka]
“We also work for women’s rights and advancement as well democracy and good governance. Currently we are training women to run for political office.”
Black Women’s Health Imperative
“…to help protect and advance the health and wellness of Black women and girls.”
I confronted the expected stereotypes by knowing what they were and building an alternate narrative about myself.”
― Stacey Abrams, Lead from the Outside: How to Build Your Future and Make Real Change
Black Women’s Rape Action Project [UK]
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women
“... to stop violence against Native women and children by advocating for social change in our communities.”
At this, a Somalian stepped up to the platform. Horrific acid scars had left her skin looking like parchment. She began before the applause had faded, drowning out her words.”
― Louise Burfitt-Dons, The Missing Activist
European Network of Migrant Women
“…a migrant-women-led feminist, secular, non-partisan platform that advocates for the rights, freedoms and dignity of migrant, refugee and ethnic minority women and girls in Europe.”
Gulabi Gang [India]
"The Gulabi Gang was initially intended to punish oppressive husbands, fathers and brothers, and combat domestic violence and desertion. The members of the gang would accost male offenders and prevail upon them to see reason. The more serious offenders were publicly shamed when they refused to listen or relent. Sometimes the women resorted to their lathis, if the men resorted to use of force.”
Revirgination surgery for women is the fastest growing segment within the Indian cosmetic surgery industry. But any culture that decides a woman’s worth by the presence or absence of a membrane needs to examine its collective head.
― Mallika Nawal
International Network for the Rights of Female Victims of Violence in Pakistan
Libertad Latina
Indigenous & Latina Women & Children's Human Rights News from the Americas
MMIWG2S – Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit
MSI Reproductive Choices [Marie Stopes International]
“... every woman and every girl should have the power to decide and determine the path their life takes. ”
“A global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family”
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
“RAWA is the oldest political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan since 1977.”
Stop Honor Killings
Laura Ungar. "Maternal deaths in the US more than doubled over two decades: Black mothers died at the highest rate.” [2023]
UN Women. Global Database on Violence Against Women.
“[To] provide easy access to comprehensive and up-to-date information on measures undertaken by Governments to address all forms of violence against women; Increase opportunities for exchange of experiences in addressing violence against women;
"Strengthen the knowledge-base for effective policy responses to prevent and address violence against women; andEncourage the further collection, availability, use and dissemination of data on violence against women, as well as analysis of such data."
United Nations. Human Development Reports. "2023 Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI): Breaking down gender biases: Shifting social norms towards gender equality.” [2023]
“Protecting women and youth against all forms of violence... a feminist, gender-responsive organization in the Philippines… to …work with its communities of poor, marginalized women and youth… to design a comprehensive bases conversion for the would-be displaced women in the baselands.”
Women’s Will Association [Iraq]
“We believe that the occupation is a major hindrance to the advancement of the cause of Iraqi women…”
To tell a woman everything she cannot do is to tell her what she can.
― Spanish Proverb
Atatürk Society of America. "Atatürk's reforms empowered Turkish women and set an example for the developing world." [2013]
Deidre Bell. “Toward an end to appropriation of indigenous “Two Spirit” people in trans politics: The relationship between third gender roles and patriarchy
Julie Bindel. “Where lesbians live in fear: When homosexuals flee Uganda for Kenya, life rarely gets better.” [2021]
Black Women’s Caucus of Women’s Declaration International USA. “Black Women’s Caucus declaration against gender ideology.” [2023]
Center for Gender and Refugee Studies. “Thousands of Women are fleeing rape, sexual violence and torture in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.” [2022]
Chantal Da Silva. “CBP's 'Misogynistic and racist behavior' might be why Border Patrol had 'Lowest percentage of women' of any federal law enforcement ggency, rights group says.” [2019]
Jane Egerton. "There’s more than one way to ‘erase’ women – women’s rights under attack in Victor Orban’s Hungary." [2020]
Hugh Esco. “Awareness of men's violence is necessary, but not sufficient.” [2017]
Islamic teachings on violence against women
Georgia Green Party. “Georgia Green Party statement on protests in Iran.” [2022]
Rudrani Gupta "20 women die a day: Dowry deaths still a threatening reality in India?: Groom’s families take advantage of the stronghold of the dowry system which ultimately brings them wealth. Often they ‘rightfully’ abandon or abuse the woman for dowry because she and her family did not fulfill their duty.” [2023]
Mark Hodge. “‘Sexual cleansing’: Iran is forcing thousands of gay people to have gender reassignment surgery against their will or face execution.” [2020]
Ilse Hogue. "Nelson Mandela, feminist: Few people know that Mandela was a global leader on reproducive freedom." [2013]
Sara Hylton. “A well of grief: Relatives of murdered Native women speak out.” [2020]
Megan Janetsky. "Mexico prosecutors withdraw case against woman sentenced to prison for killing man raping her." [2023]
Carol Linnett. “B.C failed to consider links between ‘man camps’, violence against indigenous women Wet’suwet’en argue.” [2020]
Sanam Maher. "The activists confronting period taboos in Pakistan: Facing threats and alienation, women push for menstrual awareness in a country where women’s health taboos limit rights. " [2023]
Gama Martin Muñoz. “The silent revolution: Feminism in the Arab world.” [2012]
Ritwika Mitra. “100 Women: How the 'urinary leash' keeps women at home.” [2017]
Kui Mwai. “Indigenous woman attacked by mob of white people for not wearing a bra.” [2023]
Andreia Nobre. “Brazil: Trans activists create list of 'Cis women who make trans people’s lives worse: Sheila Jeffreys, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Eugenia Rodrigues, among others, make the list of 20 women.” [2023]
Powwows.com. “The tragedy of missing and murdered indigenous women [MMIW].” [2019]
Raquel Rosario Sanchez. “If ‘white feminism’ is a thing, gender identity ideology epitomizes it.” [2017]
Melinda Sampson. "Native American women & girls: victimization and resiliency." [2020]
Nimet Seker. “Islamic feminism and reformist Islam: Against the politicisation of the Koran.”
Brianna Theobald. “A 1970 law led to mass sterilization of Native American women. That history still matters.” [2019]
Laura Ungar. "Maternal deaths in the US more than doubled over two decades: Black mothers died at the highest rate.” [2023]
United Nations. Human Development Reports. "2023 Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI): Breaking down gender biases: Shifting social norms towards gender equality.” [2023]
UN Women. Global Database on Violence Against Women.
“[To] provide easy access to comprehensive and up-to-date information on measures undertaken by Governments to address all forms of violence against women; Increase opportunities for exchange of experiences in addressing violence against women;
"Strengthen the knowledge-base for effective policy responses to prevent and address violence against women; andEncourage the further collection, availability, use and dissemination of data on violence against women, as well as analysis of such data."
Andrea Wilkum. “Globalization of rape culture.” [2017]
Lauren Wolfe [Women’s Media Center]. “Portraits of three women in Congo: Their lives, their rapes, their recovery.” [2014]
Western liberals who rightly condemn imperialism [are] yet are blind to the cultural imperialism they are performing when they silence my critiques of misogyny. They behave as if they want to save my culture and faith from me, and forget that they are immune to the violations about which I speak.
― Mona Eltahawy, Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution
Karen Davis. You’re kiddin’, right? VIDEO CHANNEL
Deepa Kumar. "Imperialist feminism: A historical overview." (2013)
If the world is to have a future, it lies in the hands of women. At time of this writing nearly half of all women in the Middle East are illiterate; millions in poor countries are shackled to the most basic daily urgencies of finding water and feeding children; the majority of the world's women exist in various forms of bondage to necessity, to poverty, and to men.
― A.C. Grayling, Toward the Light of Liberty: The Struggles for Freedom and Rights That Made the Modern Western World
Yasmin Husein Al-Jawaheri. Women in Iraq: The gender impact of international sanctions. [2008]
Louie C. Amilbangsa, Andrea Luisa C. Anolin, Irene F. Dabuno, Marilyn T. Erpelo, Pauline S. Hortelano, & Lorna Q. Israel (Eds.). Halfway through the circle: the lives of eight Filipino survivors of prostitution and sex trafficking. [1998]
Prof. Margot Badran. Islamic feminism means justice to women. [2004]
Paul Farmer, M.D. Women, poverty and AIDS: Sex. drugs and structural violence. [1996]
Chris Coulter. Bush wives and girl soldiers: Women’s lives through war and peace in Sierra Leone. [2009]
Siddharth Kara. Sex trafficking: Inside the business of modern slavery. [2007] BOOK https://cup.columbia.edu/book/sex-trafficking/9780231180337
(book review) Holly Burkhalter. “An unconscionable business." [2009]
Fatima Mernissi. The veil and the male elite: A feminist interpretation of women’s rights in Islam. [1992]
Aida Santos-Maranan. Globalizing feminist bioethics: Women’s health concerns worldwide. [2000]
It is hard to imagine that even today while many of us go about our lives freely, hundreds of women cannot fathom the concept of being free. Bound, gagged and suffocating from the cruel societal chains they fight for survival on a daily basis, some succumbing to it, others rebelling against it and paying for it with their lives.
― Aysha Taryam, The Opposite of Indifference: A Collection of Commentaries