20. International Women's Organizations
“A transnational feminist organization”
The Asian Feminist
“Covering women's issues and empowerment from more than 50 countries.”
Beira’s Place
Edinburgh Women’s Sexual Assault Support Center
“… to provide practical and emotional help to women in a safe and supportive environment.“
Canadian Women’s Sex-Based Rights
Every Mother Counts
“Almost all global maternal deaths are prevented by ensuring women have access to quality, respectful, and equitable maternity care. Too few women have the access they need. We're working to change that.”
International Network for Incarcerated Girls and Women
“INIGW members advocate for the rights of incarcerated girls and women in their respective countries/states, and we support each other and other groups & individuals advocating for incarcerated females in various locations.” https://theinigw.wixsite.com/inigw
“Demanding Rights, Resources and Results for Women Worldwide”
Mayday4Women UK
“UK based feminist page. Sex not gender. No to self-ID. Anti-porn, abolitionist, kink-shamers. Nordic”
MSI Reproductive Choices [Marie Stopes International]
“... every woman and every girl should have the power to decide and determine the path their life takes. ”
No Conflict They Said
“... the impact on women of men using women-only spaces, including but not limited to: bathrooms, shelters, rape and domestic violence refuges, gyms, spas, sports, schools, accommodations, hospital wards, shortlists, prizes, quotas, political groups, prisons, clubs, events, festivals, dating apps, and language…”
No Secret Lesson Plans in UK Schools
“A parent led legal campaign for transparency in UK schools”
Nobel Women’s Initiative
“Since 2006 we have worked in solidarity with women's movements, organizations, and activists around the world to build peace, defend justice, and champion equality for all.”
Party of Women "Kellie-Jay Keen founded Party Of Women to make sure that people can safely say, "No woman has a penis, "No man has a vagina, "There is no such thing as "non-binary." "And 'transitioning' children is abuse."
Reaching Out Romania
"Over the years we have assisted 750 victims, mostly Romanian women and girls who have been enslaved and abused in many European countries. We offered them home as well as psychological, medical and legal assistance and we made them part of our family."
Stop Violence Against Women
“A project of The Advocates for Human Rights”
UN Women. Global Database on Violence Against Women
“[To] provide easy access to comprehensive and up-to-date information on measures undertaken by Governments to address all forms of violence against women; Increase opportunities for exchange of experiences in addressing violence against women;
Strengthen the knowledge-base for effective policy responses to prevent and address violence against women; andEncourage the further collection, availability, use and dissemination of data on violence against women, as well as analysis of such data."
WeDpro [Philippines]
“Protecting women and children against all forms of violence”
Women for Women International
“Since 1993, Women for Women International has invested in the power of over 500,000 women who are forgotten — the women survivors of war and conflict — to learn the skills they need to rebuild their families and communities.”
Women’s Action Alliance Canberra [Australia]
“… a women’s liberation group committed to the protection and advancement of women and girls on the understanding that sex is a biological fact with material consequences for females living under patriarchy.”
Women’s Declaration International. Feminist Question Time
“Women's Declaration International (WDI) Feminist Question Time is our weekly online webinars [sic!]. It is attended by a global feminist and activist audience of between 200-300. The main focus is how gender ideology is harming the rights of women and girls.”
https://archive.org/details/fqt-12-march-2022 with Kara Dansky
Women’s International Perspective
Women's U.N. Report Network
"... a non-governmental organization to implement the conclusions and recommendations of a United Nations Study on Freedom of Religion of Belief and the Status of Women From the Viewpoint of Religion and Traditions."
No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.
― Muhammad Ali Jinnah