3A. Equal Rights Legislation
Equal Means Equal
“Join the fight in your state to add women’s rights to the Constitution.”
ERA Education Project
“Equal means equal.” “…created to raise public awareness about the need to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.”
Generation Ratify
“…the youth-led movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and advance gender equality in the United States of America.”
Let Women Speak!
Make the Equality Act Clear. bit.ly/Equality_Petition
If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.
― Abigail Adams, The Letters of John and Abigail Adams
Maura Casey. “Publish the ERA: Let the skirmishes begin.” [2022]
ERA Coalition. "Amicus briefs filed in support of the ERA.” [2022]
______. "ERA Coalition statement on the Senate failing to advance bipartisan resolution to affirm the Equal Rights Amendment and remove the time limit."
Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights [GASBR]. “GASBR calls for the Immediate publication of the Equal Rights Amendment.” [2022]
Lloyd Grove. "Could this RFK Jr. gambit cause Biden a battleground nightmare?"
Kamala Lopez. “Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust files ERA lawsuits to save women’s rights: ‘By declaring the ERA’s validity, this court will prevent the Supreme Court from overruling Roe and protect women’s basic human right to control their own lives,’ attorneys wrote in each of the three complaints.”
Michael Lyle, Susan J. Demas. “States sue to have ERA recognized as 28th Amendment.” [2022]
Chris Marr, Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust Lawsuits. “Last-minute bid to save right to abortion comes via ERA lawsuits.” [2022]
Ian Millheiser. “Ruth Bader Ginsburg probably just dealt a fatal blow to the Equal Rights Amendment: A half-century long fight for equality is likely at an end.” [2020]
Wendy Murphy. “2022.9.25. Nora Stanton Blatch National Votes for Women trail marker.” [Speech]
Women’s rights activist speaks at the dedication of the marker.
______. "Biden finds a way to fumble to the end: Outgoing president’s late actions could doom the ERA forever." [2025]
Carli Pierson. “Remind me why the Biden administration is in court fighting publication of the ERA?: The publication of the Equal Rights Amendment is a simple ministerial action and should have happened when Virginia became the 38th state to ratify it in 2020.” [2022]
Lisa Annette Stanley. “Equal Rights Amendment, hate speech & violence against women. Publish ERA.” [2022]
Suffragists Oral History Project. Amelia R. Fry, interviewer. “Conversations with Alice Paul: Woman suffrage and the Equal Rights Amendment.” [1976]
Lila Thulin. “Why the Equal Rights Amendment is still not part of the Constitution: A brief history of the long battle to pass what would now be the 28th Amendment.” [2020]
Don Wilson and Lisa Sales. “Stop making women’s equality a political question mark.” [2022]
There never will be a new world order until women
are a part of it.
— Alice Paul
National Constitution Center. “Should the Equal Rights Amendment be revived?” [2022]
Wendy Murphy. From suffrage to inequality: The never-before told truth about how partisan politics and women’s rights “advocates,” including Ruth Bater Ginsberg, helped kill the Equal Rights Amendment. [2022]
The promise of equality is not the same as true equality.
― Sheryl Sandberg