5A. Transgender Cult Ideology, Disinformation, and Entitlement. Pervasive Influence and Power of the Transgender Cult
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
― Voltaire
Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans (PITT)
“Personal Stories and Essays by Parents Impacted by Transgender Ideology”
Parents of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria [ROGD] Kids
“… a group of parents whose children have suddenly—seemingly out of the blue—decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are at various stages in transitioning.”
Critiquing Transgender Doctrine & Gender Identity Politics
“Over 400 curated links to blog posts and online articles that question and critique transgender doctrine, genderist dogma, and gender identity politics”
Abraham Lincoln once asked an audience how many legs a dog has if you count its tail as a leg. When they answered ‘five,’ Lincoln told them the answer was four. The fact that you called the tail a leg did not make it a leg.
— Thomas Sowell
“A.” “Protecting men at the women’s shelter.” [2020]
Ryan T. Anderson. “Transgender ideology is riddled with contradictions. Here are the big ones.” [2018]
Jo Bartosch. "'Her penis’ and other facts we should all know: How the urge not to create offense has plunged the UK into a ‘gender theocracy.’” [2020]
_____. “How Sturgeon was undone by gender ideology.” [2023]
Deidre Bell. “Toward an end to appropriation of indigenous “Two Spirit” people in trans politics: The relationship between third gender roles and patriarchy." [2013]
I don't want it to end, and so, as every therapist knows, the ego does not want an end to its “problems” because they are part of its identity. If no one will listen to my sad story, I can tell it to myself in my head, over and over, and feel sorry for myself, and so have an identity as someone who is being treated unfairly by life or other people, fate or God. It gives definition to my self-image, makes me into someone, and that is all that matters to the ego.
― Eckhart Tolle
Donovan Cleckley. “In defense of sex as a category of significance: It undermines human rights to undermine biological and physiological sex as a category of legal, medical, social, and political significance.” [2020]
Colette Colfer. “Gender identity theory – a climate of fear: People who do not subscribe to the theory are being vilified.” [2022]
_____. “A new religion.” [2022]
Teach her that the idea of 'gender roles' is absolute nonsense. Do not ever tell her that she should or should not do something because she is a girl. Because you are a girl' is never a reason for anything. Ever.
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Michael Costa. TrevorSpace: A pedophile's paradise." [2022]
Carol Dansereau. “Hitchhiker's Guide to the Transgender Galaxy (Part I).” [2022]
_____. “Hitchhiker's Guide (Part V): Undermining the movement humanity needs.” [2022]
Sarah Ditum. “The taboo trans question: Why can't we ask what drives people to change sex?” [2022]
Tyler Durden. "Who is funding 'Drag Story Hours' at California public libraries?.” [2023]
Dr. Em. “The rainbow reich: Transgender ideology and totalitarianism, Part I.” [2019]
_____. “What was happening before ‘Just be nice feminism’? Part I: Early rumblings, 1970 – 1971.” [2020]
Fair Cop. "Transphobia as a security concern: The dangers of conflating political speech with violent insurrection." [n.d.]
Matthew Franck. “The McHugh factor: the McHugh factor: The ideology of transgenderism will brook no dissent.” [2020]
Hadley Freeman. "Why the Tavistock won't talk to me: Ideology was more important than patient care." [2022]
Amelia Gentleman. “‘Lie of gender identity’ spurred founding of LGB Alliance, court told: Co-founder says group offended by ‘redefinition’ of homosexuality as she defends charity against accusation of anti-trans agenda.” [2022]
Female is real, and it’s sex, and femininity is unreal, and it’s gender.
― Germaine Greer
Jess Grant. "The Unitarians cast out their heretics: Gender doctrine now reigns supreme." [2024]
Dan Hart. “The staggering reach of billionaire transgender activists.” [2022]
Jane Clare Jones. “Appendix.” [2018]
Spencer Kaufman. “Dee Snider: “So I hear I’m transphobic. Really?: The Twisted Sister singer cites his long history as an LGBTQ+ supporter after being dropped from the San Francisco Pride Parade.”
Dana Kennedy. “Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney.” [2023]
Ben Kenobii. “Meet Jennifer Pritzker: The trans-billionaire Big Tech doesn’t want you to know about.” [2020]
Eva Kurilova. “The trans rights movement is obsessed with victimization: And we should all be concerned about this.” [2023]
If you do not recognise the material reality of biological sex or its significance as an axis of oppression, your political theory cannot incorporate any analysis of patriarchy. Women’s historic and continued subordination has not arisen because some members of our species choose to identify with an inferior social role (and it would be an act of egregious victim-blaming to suggest that it has). It has emerged as a means by which males can dominate that half of the species that is capable of gestating children, and exploit their sexual and reproductive labour. We cannot make sense of the historical development of patriarchy and the continued existence of sexist discrimination and cultural misogyny, without recognising the reality of female biology, and the existence of a class of biologically female persons.
— Rebecca Reilly-Cooper, What I believe about sex and gender5A. Transgender Cult Ideology, Trans Entitlement and Political Influence
Graham Lineham. “A huge win for Sex Matters: Now we get to see the full extent of Stonewall's influence.” [2021]
Kathleen Lowrey. “Considering the rapid rise of trans ideology in academia, we should follow the money.” [2018]
_____. “The new sociobiology: Contemporary gender ideologists naturalize their preferred social order, using a traditional recipe.” [2022]
Corey Lynn. “Exploiting transgenders Part 1: manufacturing an industry.” [2019]
_____. “Exploiting transgenders Part 2: Medical engineering origins.” [2019
_____. “Exploiting transgenders Part 3: the funders & profiteers.” [2019]
Graham Mann. “Gender Demo: Pro-trans activists gatecrash women’s rights protest as gender self-ID row heats up.” [2023]
David Marcus. “How our culture of narcissism creates trans obsessions.” [2015]
Meeting Ground Online. “Forbidden discourse: The silencing of feminist criticism of ‘gender’: An open statement from 48 radical feminists from seven countries.”
Elizabeth Mondagreen. “Headwinds.” [2023]
_____. “I'm in Twitter jail for tweeting about the risks 'Trans Day of Vengeance' poses.” [2023]
_____. “Phobia indoctrination: not trans genocide.” [2023]
_____."Trans identity and doubt: My talk at Genspect's The Bigger Picture." [2023]
_____. “What the New York Times gets wrong about detransitioning: The newspaper is painting a one-sided picture.” [2023]
Suzanne Moore. “Why I had to leave The Guardian: If you were bullied by 338 colleagues, what would you do?” [2020]
Stella Morabito. “The transgender movement is a vehicle of censorship and state power.” [2023]
Meghan Murphy. “Discontinuation of grant to Vancouver Rape Relief shows trans activism is an attack on women.” [2019]
Jessica North. "Hospital says patient could not have been raped because alleged attacker was transgender: The incident has drawn attention to the impact of self-ID in hospitals and other institutions like the police with Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne calling on Westministers Lords to scrap it."
Brendan O'Neill. “Kayla Lemieux and the cult of validation: How the West’s crisis of moral judgement is inflaming the insanity of identity politics.”
_____. “Why capitalism loves transgenderism: .” [2023]
Women’s liberation is the liberation of the feminine in the man, and the masculine in the woman.
― Corita Kent
Ryan Pearson. “Transgender developer releases anti-‘gender fascist’ game ‘Terfenstein 3D’ to ‘draw a comparison between gender critics and Nazi Germany.’” [2023]
Dr. Sandra Pertot. "Self-ID gender is not safe: Exploitation of this system will drive down popular support for the trans community.” [2023]
Pew Research Center. “Americans’ complex views on transgender identity and transgender issues: Most favor protecting trans people from discrimination, but fewer support policies related to medical care for gender transitions; many are uneasy with the pace of change on trans issues.” [2022]
Sarah Phillimore. “If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken…” [2021]
Thomson Reuters Foundation, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexxual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI), Youth & Student Organization (IGLYO) and Dentons. “Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth.” [2019]
The "Denton Report." local copy archived here
Nancy Robertson. “William Sims Bainbridge: Top advisor to the US government and ‘Martine’ Rothblatt/Part 1.” [2022]
Michael Robillard. “The incoherence of gender ideology.” [2021]
https://archive.ph/4e2n0 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Jennifer Seiland. “Female public transit employees reportedly threatened with termination for expressing concerns about trans colleague.” [2022]
Lionel Shriver. “Is trans the new anorexia? [2023]
James Shupe. “I was America’s first ‘nonbinary’ person. It was all a sham.”[2019]
Craig Simpson. "Gender-critical books hidden by ‘tinpot censor’ librarians: The works removed from public view are all critical of gender ideology and transgender activism and include Kathleen Stock’s Material Girls." [2023]
Anna Slatz. “John Money: The pro-pedophile pervert who invented ‘gender.’”
Joan Smith. “Who will defend JK Rowling’s defender?: Christian Hensen was suspended for tweeting in support of the author.” [2022]
John M. Smoot; Don Hamilton, ed.. “The trial court and gender theory.” [2022]
Ewan Somerville. "Colonel 'forced out of Army' after stating 'men cannot be women': Kelvin Wright says he had to resign following warning from junior officer that his views could be at odds with MoD transgender policy." [2024]
_____. "Pupil who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher: Parents complain after recording emerges of teacher calling students homophobic and suggesting they ‘go to a different school.’” (UK) [2023]
Tish Still. “The truth about trans murders: Performative headlines can't disguise the facts.” [2022]
Kathleen Stock. “The fictional world of trans activism: There’s nothing harmless about denying the truth.” [2022]
_____. "Why the Tavistock had to fall: Its ideological roots were rotten from the start." [2022] https://archive.ph/wip/6PAoK
Andre Van Mol, Michael K. Laidlaw, Miriam Grossman and Paul McHugh. “Correction: Transgender surgery provides no mental health benefit.” [2020]
John Walkos. “Transgenderism went mainstream—now it’s coming for our kids.” [2023]
Washington Examiner. “Make transgender ideology expensive.” [2022]
Rusty Weiss. “Progressive Journalist Glenn Greenwald to sue FBI over Nashville school shooter’s manifesto.” [2023]
Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defence of women hating.
— Andrea Dworkin
WhatWouldYouSay.org “Transgenderism depends on stereotypes.” [2021]
Colin Wright. “The new evolution deniers.” [2018]
_____. "On sex and gender, The New England Journal of Medicine has abandoned its scientific mission." [2020]
Colin M. Wright and Emma N. Hilton. “The dangerous denial of sex: Transgender ideology harms women, gays--especially feminine boys and masculine girls.” [2020]
Edie Wyatt. "Why should women tolerate the big swinging dicks of the transgender movement?” [2021]
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.
— Carl Sagan
Comments Section with Brett Cooper. "Trans coach is allowed to change with the girls?" [2024] VIDEO
Marian Grossman, M.D., Triggernometry. “How the transgender movement happened.” [2023]
The Institute of Art and Ideas. “Kathleen Stock: The new politics of gender identity.” [2023] VIDEO
Sheila Jeffreys. "The evolution of transgenderism as a men's rights movement." [2020] VIDEO
Ann Menasche, civil rights attorney. "The erasure of women as a sex class: Interview on Fran Luck’s 'Joy of Resistance' show, Radio Station WBAI [New York City]" 11.17.22.
Jordan B. Peterson. “The monster behind gender theory, and the atrocious lie he based it on.” [2023] VIDEO
Reality Matters. “Adult human female: A documentary in defence of women’s rights.” [2022] VIDEO
Women’s Liberation Radio News. “Jo Bartosch discusses the Mermaids’ tribunal.” [2022] PODCAST
Young America’s Foundation. “The narcissism of "gender identity.” Michael Knowles LIVE at the June High School Conference.”
A political conservative’s incisive analysis of transgender ideology. VIDEO
When judge a woman by her appearance it doesn't define her, it define [sic!] u.
— [Internet] Unknown
Michael Biggs. The Tavistock’s experimentation with puberty blockers. [2019]
BOOK in PDF format, downloadable at
Hugh Esco, ed. The lobby for gender ideology: A quick primer. [2022]
Published by the Gender Critical Greens P.A.C. PAMPHLET
pdf copy available for an email address here
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
― George Orwell, 1984