5Aa. Strategy and Tactics of the Transgender Cult, including Disinformation
Ridicule may lawfully be employed where reason has no hope of success.
— Ed Brayton
Ben Appel. "Enough with their lies: LGBT organizations and mainstream news outlets do more to contribute to the youth mental health crisis than the Trump Administration ever could." [2025]
Jo Bartosch. “ Does the Associated Press expect journalists to lie?: The new AP’s style guide on trans issues elevates ideology over the truth.” [2022]
_____. “Inside the trans publishing purge: Children's authors are being silenced for telling the truth.” [2021]
_____. “Trans activists are taking the piss: That urine-soaked protest outside the EHRC might just be the nadir of the trans movement.” [2022]
Katrina Biggs. “Trans activists make women terrified for their safety at the Let Women Speak rally in New Zealand.” [2023]
Jennifer Bilek. “Big Pharma exploits and monetizes ‘Trans Identity.’” [2021]
Julie Bindel. “The corruption of the feminist library: Trans activists are excluding women from history.” [2022]
_____. "‘I was hounded out of Oxfam over JK Rowling’: A former employee reveals how she was silenced.” [2023]
_____. "Oxfam is a toxic charity that has shifted so far from its original aims as to be almost unrecognisable: Its new video is a vile, misogynistic attack against JK Rowling.” [2023]
Susan Bradley. “OPINION: How trans activists are unethically influencing autistic children to change genders.” [2023]
Nick Cater. “Moira Deeming and the death of Australian liberalism: Now even the centre-right Liberal Party is in thrall to extremist gender ideology.” [2023]
Paul Chase. “How I got cancelled by the gender borg for daring to criticize its ideology.” [2023]
Colette Colfer. “The gentrification of Ireland: How gender identity theory has become embedded in Irish society.” [2022]
Emma Colton. “Radical group's 'Trans Day of Vengeance' moves forward in wake of Nashville school shooting: Trans Radical Activist Network says trans community 'facing astronomical amounts of hate from the world.’” [2023]
Defend Feminists! “Cindy Sheehan de-platformed by trans activists.” [2019]
Tyler Durden. "Who is funding 'Drag Story Hours' at California public libraries?.” [2023]
Zach Eliot. “A response to ‘stop using phony science to justify transphobia’.”
Sneljana Farberov. “Twitter deletes thousands of tweets about planned Trans Day of Vengeance.” [2023]
Maya Forstater. “The case that changed the gender debate: Stonewall’s strategy of ‘no debate’ has backfired.” [2022]
_____. “The transgender lobby wants to rewrite the law: Gender identity activists would undermine justice to advance their ideology.” [2021]
Matthew Franck. “The McHugh factor: the McHugh factor: The ideology of transgenderism will brook no dissent.” [2020]
Hadley Freeman. "Why the Tavistock won't talk to me: Ideology was more important than patient care." [2022]
Amelia Gentleman. “‘Lie of gender identity’ spurred founding of LGB Alliance, court told: Co-founder says group offended by ‘redefinition’ of homosexuality as she defends charity against accusation of anti-trans agenda.” [2022]
Dan Hart. “The staggering reach of billionaire transgender activists.” [2022]
Christopher Kane. "Balint discusses LGBTQ and women’s history education bill: Congresswoman condemned GOP’s ‘push to erase us.’ [2023]
Dana Kennedy. “Inside the CEI system pushing brands to endorse celebs like Dylan Mulvaney.” [2023]
James Kirkup. “The document that reveals the remarkable tactics of trans lobbyists.” [2019]
Library MOMitors. “Tacoma school board vice chair advocates for hiding kids from their parents for ‘gender transition.’” [2023]
Kathleen Lowrey. “Considering the rapid rise of trans ideology in academia, we should follow the money.” [2018]
James Madden. "The Age sacks columnist Julie Szego amid gender furore.” [2023]
Graham Mann. “Gender Demo: Pro-trans activists gatecrash women’s rights protest as gender self-ID row heats up.” [2023]
Elizabeth Mondagreen. “Phobia indoctrination: not trans genocide.” [2023]
_____. “What the New York Times gets wrong about detransitioning: The newspaper is painting a one-sided picture.” [2023]
_____." “Why should lesbians have sex with men?: it's now bigoted to be attracted to only female bodies.” [2022]
Nuria Muíña García. “MEXICO: Trans activists stage ‘coup’ of women’s washroom at university, issue rape threats.” [2022]
Meghan Murphy. “Trans athletes make a mockery of women’s sports: ‘I can't really say what I want to say, but there's not much I can do about it…’" [2019]
Mary Margaret Olohan. “House Democrats introduce ‘Transgender Bill Of Rights’.” [2022]
Brendan O'Neill. "ORWELLIAN: Associated Press forbids even discussing transgenderism as an ideology." [2023]
Matt Osborne. "Her name was Dagny Benedict. The Pride Flag mafia changed her name to Nex: Posthumous conversion and martyrization. Who else does that?" [2024] https://archive.ph/9myGC
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT). "The contribution of computer games to transgender identity." [2024]
Ryan Pearson. “Transgender developer releases anti-‘gender fascist’ game ‘Terfenstein 3D’ to ‘draw a comparison between gender critics and Nazi Germany.’” [2023]
Raquel Rosario Sánchez. “Young woman terrorized out of university by transgender activists after she led discussion on gender identity.” [2020]
Jennifer Seiland. “Female public transit employees reportedly threatened with termination for expressing concerns about trans colleague.” [2022]
Laura Shaw. “Transgender activists in multiple countries call for, launch organized violent uprisings against women–IDW 2020.” [2020]
Haroon Siddique. “Maya Forstater was discriminated against over gender-critical beliefs, tribunal rules: Researcher lost job at thinktank after tweeting that transgender women could not change their biological sex.” [2022]
Craig Simpson. "Gender-critical books hidden by ‘tinpot censor’ librarians: The works removed from public view are all critical of gender ideology and transgender activism and include Kathleen Stock’s Material Girls." [2023]
Anna Slatz. "Child molester among three transgender inmates suing Florida in ACLU-backed demand for “Gender Affirming Care.” [2024]]
Joan Smith. “Who will defend JK Rowling’s defender?: Christian Hensen was suspended for tweeting in support of the author.” [2022]
Ewan Somerville. ""Pupil who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher: Parents complain after recording emerges of teacher calling students homophobic and suggesting they ‘go to a different school.’” (UK) [2023]
Tish Still. “The truth about trans murders: Performative headlines can't disguise the facts.” [2022]
Jonathan Turley. "Atheist orthodoxy: The Freedom from Religion Foundation censors scientist over transgender views." [2025]
Colin Wright. “Think cancel culture doesn’t exist? My own ‘lived experience’ says otherwise.” [2020]
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word "doublethink" involved the use of doublethink.
— George Orwell, 1984
Affirmation Generation. "Affirmation Generation: The lies of transgender medicine."
Now released by Panacol Productions and Deplorable Films, LLC. "No way back: The reality of gender affirming care." [2023] MOTION PICTURE