5B. Contraflow: Resistance to Trans Ideology, Backlash Against its Abuses
Center for Bioethics and Culture
“… to educate and inform members of the general public, thought leaders, lawmakers, and others on ethical issues in healthcare, biomedical research, and biotechnological advancement.”
Do No Harm
"We are a diverse group of physicians, healthcare professionals, medical students, patients, and policymakers united by a moral mission: Protect healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology. We believe in making healthcare better for all – not undermining it in pursuit of a political agenda."
Free to Speak [UK]
“Concern is increasing over the content of lessons taught via the relationships and sex education (RSE) curriculum… “Free To Speak wants to help you to voice your concerns about RSE teaching and the policies in your child's school, or the educational setting in which you work.”
Gays Against Groomers
“…a coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children.”
Gender Dissent [Canada]
“Exposing the money and influence behind the gender industry in Canada"
Gender Exploratory Therapy Association (GETA)
“We believe people who are experiencing distress regarding gender or biological sex should have access to ethical, developmentally appropriate psychotherapy.
“We reject treatments that set out to change sexual orientation or gender identity. Practices that use coercive techniques have no place in health care.”
“A rational approach to gender”
Beyond Trans
“… support and advice to people who feel distressed or ambivalent
about their transition.”
Beyond Transition
“Some detransition. Others may not physically detransition, but their
minds have detransitioned: they’ve moved on from an
ideology that led them to believe they could become another person,
and they’ve come to realise that this ideology can
cause harm.
“We launched ‘Beyond Transition’ to meet the specific needs of
detransitioners, as well as those who are in a more uncertain
space. We believe it's time that the varying needs of different groups
are offered comprehensive help."
Helpful groups (international and parent support groups)
Lupron Victims Hub. Sources on the dangers of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analog/agonists. Lupron is the most prescribed brand name of one of these drugs, and the site has an extensive list of victim complaints, peer-reviewed research and other materials.
Our Duty
"an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology.
Pique Resilience Project
The Turf War Zone
Nikki Craft
“Transinclusivity undermining Radical Feminism.”
“Advisor for Genspect: http://genspect.org
“Advisor for Gender Dysphoria Alliance: http://genderdysphoriaalliance.com”
Narcissists are consumed with maintaining a shallow false self to others. They're emotionally crippled souls that are addicted to attention. Because of this they use a multitude of games, in order to receive adoration. Sadly, they are the most ungodly of God's creations because they don't show remorse for their actions, take steps to make amends or have empathy for others. They are morally bankrupt.
― Shannon L. Alder
Associated Press. “Federal appeals court rules against transgender man in bathroom case: A federal appeals court has ruled that a Florida school district’s policy of separating school bathrooms based on biological sex is constitutional.” [2022]
Michael Bailey. “How to ruin sex research.” [2023]
Jennifer Bilek. "Sue me for blasphemy, but there is no 'trans' community: The technological manipulation of the human mind." [2024]
Black Women’s Caucus of Women’s Declaration International USA. “Black Women’s Caucus declaration against gender ideology.” [2023]
Jordan Boyd. “Loudon county dad arrested for trespassing at local school board meeting found not guilty.” [2023]
Matthew Brealey. “Caster Semenya—male or female?” [2020]
M. Bennet Broner, Ph.D. "Nurses sue over trans colleague's actions." (Britain) [2024]
Christina Buttons. "USA remains asleep as the world awakens to the reality of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’: A comprehensive guide to the international debate on youth medical transition." [2024]
The Center for Bioethics and Culture. “‘Trans Mission’ gets massive viewership, backing from experts, despite restrictions posted by social media platforms.” [2021]
College Fix Staff. “‘An extraordinary medical atrocity’: Surgery professor condemns transgender treatments.” [2022]
Katie Cox. “Gov. Holcomb [Indiana] signs bill banning gender transition procedures for minors into law: The governor also signed 11 other bills into law.” [2023]
Andrew DeMilo. “Sanders signs Arkansas gender-affirming care malpractice bill into law.” [2023]
DeTrans Awareness Day. "U.S. court denies double mastectomy request: The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the state of Arizona is not required to pay for a teenager's double mastectomy.”
Sue Donym. “Inauthentic selves: The LGBTQ+ movement is run by philanthropic astroturf and based on junk science.” [2021]
Mairead Elordi. "Maine legislature kills a bill that would let state take custody of children for transgender medical services: A committee voted not to advance the bill." [2024]
Sneljana Farberov. “Twitter deletes thousands of tweets about planned Trans Day of Vengeance.” [2023]
Feministwriter. “On Pride and shame.” [2023]
Wayne Flower, Melbourne correspondent. “EXCLUSIVE: Inside the betrayal that drove MP Moira Deeming to fight for the protection of women’s rights - and why the suspended MP will NEVER be silenced.” [2023]
For Women Scotland. “We won! Scottish Government redefinition of woman is unlawful.” [2022]
Liam Fox. "Time to reject the extreme trans lobby harming our society.”
Hadley Freeman. "‘Liberal’ thought police echo Salem witch trials: How to respond when you are damned for what you didn’t actually say?"
_____. “The week the trans spell was broken: It's finally ok to say that gender extremism wears no clothes.” [2022]
Female is real, and it’s sex, and femininity is unreal, and it’s gender.
― Germaine Greer
Anders Hagstrom. “Kansas teacher wins $95,000 after school pushed her to 'deceive' parents about students' gender identity: Pamela Ricard argued that deceiving parents about their children's pronouns was against Christian beliefs.” [2022]
Alexander Hall. “Pennsylvania Democrat calls on university to ‘cancel’ speakers who question transgender ideology: University of Pittsburgh chancellor Patrick Gallagher says he is 'obligated' to support free speech on campus.” [2023]
Chantel Hoyt. “Missouri moves to protect minors from gender transition.” [2023]
Institute for Research and Education, Dr. Stan Weed. "Transgender research: Five things every parent and policy-maker should know©." [2022, updated 2023]
Contains a lengthy listing of peer-reviewed research on policy and education.
Chris Isidore. “Target's $20 million answer to transgender bathroom boycott.” [2016]
Peter Jenkins. “Suing over medical transition: The case against considering WPATH as a competent, reasonable body of expert opinion.” [2023]
_____. “Unpacking the concept of ‘Gender Identity’: Not fit for purpose?” [2023]
Elizabeth Jensen. “Medical safety: Risk study of gender medicine, Part 1.” [2022 Outstanding documentation and compilation of research data
______. “Medical safety: Risk study of gender medicine, Part 2.” [2022]
Jewish Voice. “Staggering number of Americans say trans agenda has gone too far.” [2022]
Brad Jones. “Protests erupt in Southern California over ‘transing’ children.” [2022]
This site, Epoch Times, has other articles on the protest behind a paywall.
Riittakerttu Kaltiala. "‘Gender-affirming care is dangerous. I know because I helped pioneer it.’: My country, and others, found there is no solid evidence supporting the medical transitioning of young people. Why aren’t American clinicians paying attention?
Keep Prisons Single Sex [KPSS]. [UK] "Sex and gender in legislation: The case against ‘Legal sex change.’” [2023]
The representation of women in the society, especially through mass media has been the most delusional act ever done on the grounds of human existence.
― Abhijit Naskar
Legal Feminist. “What finance can tell us about the trans self-ID debate.” [2022] (Scotland)
Lucy Leader. "Is La Leche League International promoting pedophilia?: If supporting men to let babies suckle on them isn’t child abuse, what is?" [2024]
League of Women Voters, & Shattering Glass. "The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. RE: An urgent call for your legacy." [2024]
Open letter signed by 143 organizing calling on Biden to direct the National Archivist to publish the ERA
Stephen B. Levine, E. Abbruzzese & Julia W. Mason. “What are we doing to these children? Response to Drescher, Clayton, and Balon Commentaries on Levine et al., 2022,” [2023]
Helen Lewis. "Britain is leaving the U.S. gender-medicine debate behind: The Cass report challenges the scientific basis of medical transition for minors." [2024]
Graham Linehan. "Mermaids ordered to revise puberty blocker advice: A long-awaited inquiry comes to some inevitable conclusions>" [2024]
_____. "Tavistock Centre to be shut down." [2022]
Graham Linehan, Stuart Campbell. “The ministry of silly talk: Scottish taxpayers are being taken on a hell of a ride.” [2022]
William J Malone, Colin M Wright and Julia D Robertson. “No one is born in ‘the wrong body.’” [2019]
Margaret Harper McCarthy. “Just say ‘No’ to the new binary.” [2022]
Clair McFarland. “Women sue University Of Wyoming sorority for accepting transgender member.” [2023]
Dr. Paul McHugh. “Transgender surgery isn’t the solution.” [2014]
Brooke Migdon. "White House says gender-affirming surgeries should be limited to adults." [2024]
Eliza Mondagreen. “Medical groups are memory-holing their transguidance: The American Academy of Pediatrics wants to review its youth guidance.” [2023]
______."My medical malpractice is now your 'dynamic desire for gender-affirming medical interventions'." [2022]
______. "Trans activists, what would it take for you to say: 'This movement isn’t what I thought it was’?” [2023]
Douglas Murray. “Has trans activism gone too far?: It's time we were allowed a properly nuanced discussion on gender issues.” [2019]
Talia Nava. “There is no trans genocide.” [2023]
Jessica North. "Hospital says patient could not have been raped because alleged attacker was transgender: The incident has drawn attention to the impact of self-ID in hospitals and other institutions like the police with Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne calling on Westministers Lords to scrap it."
Tyler O’Neil. “Sanity at last: Britain’s High Court protects young children from transgender chemical castration.” [2020]
Our Duty. "Lifecycle of transgender ideation.” [n.d.]
Pamela Paul. “In defense of J.K. Rowling.” [2023]
______. "Why is the U.S. still pretending we know gender-affirming care works?" [2024]
Brendan Pierson. "Indiana ban on gender transition treatment for minors upheld by US appeals court." [2024]
Dr. Sandra Perot. "Self-ID gender is not safe: Exploitation of this system will drive down popular support for the trans community.” [2023]
Hayley Peterson. “Outraged shoppers threaten to boycott Target after a man exposes himself to a young girl in a store's bathroom.” [2018]
Christen Price. "Women's spaces, women's rights: Feminism and the transgender rights movement." [2020]
Stephanie Price. "Ohio bans 'gender-affirming care" for minors, restricts restricts transgender athletes despite GOP governor veto: The new law bans sex reassignment surgeries and hormone therapies for children under 18." [2024]
Feelings are something you have; not something you are.
― Shannon L. Alder
Rebecca. “Transcript of a speech from the Melbourne Let Women Speak Event: Please note this is not my speech, but the amazing speech of a remarkable Australian woman.” [2023]
Jamie Reed. “I thought I was I saving trans kids. Now I’m blowing the whistle: There are more than 100 pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling.”
Reagan Reese. “Community ousts school board members for backing policy to hid kids’ gender transition.” [2023]
Restore Childhood. "Open letter to HHS [Secretary Beccera and Assistant Secretary Dr. Levine]." [2024]
Valerie Richardson. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. splits with Democrats by opposing biological males in women’s sports.” [2023]
John Riley. “3 states introduce bills to restrict transgender athletes to competing based on their birth sex: spate of bills targeting transgender athletes shows social conservatives believe they’ve found a salient wedge issue.” [2019]
Julia Diana Robertson. “DOJ sides with 3 Connecticut HS girls about fairness in sports.” [2020]
Madeleine Ross. “Military chiefs spark backlash after using photo of trans woman to showcase achievements of females on International Women and Girls in Science Day.” [2023]
Royal Courts of Justice [UK]. “Quincy Bell v. Tavistock.” [2020]
Daniel Sanderson. “Scottish police defy Nicola Sturgeon over trans self-ID law.” [2023]
Jathon Sapsford and Stephanie Armour. "U.S. becomes transgender-care outlier as more in Europe urge caution: Republicans seize on European doubts over medical interventions to call for restrictions.” [2023]
Jessica Schulberg. "Washington moves trans woman back to men’s prison In unprecedented act." [2024]
Before the truth can set you free, you need to recognize the lie that is holding you hostage.
— Rachel Wolchin
Sex Matters. “Lib Dems revise transphobia definition.” [2022]
Michael Shellenberger. "Democrats deny basic biology in push to change gender of children: Governor Gavin Newsom’s allies have passed legislation to block schools from telling parents when their kids think they’re the opposite sex." [2024] https://archive.ph/xnK9L
Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag. "Biden Administration ends support fr trans surgeries on minors: What will it take for Democrats to ban puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children and adolescents?" [2024]
Abigail Shrier. "California’s new law lets schools keep secrets from parents: Gavin Newsom signs a bill that keeps parents in the dark if their kids change gender identity at school." [2024]
Haroon Siddique. "‘A politically toxic issue’: the legal battles over gender-critical beliefs: A growing number of organisations have been found to have discriminated against women because of their views. What are employers learning from such cases?" [2024]
Davita Singh, Susan J. Bradley, Kenneth J. Zucker. “A follow-up study of boys with gender identity disorder.” [2021]
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.632784
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.632784/full (full report)
Victoria Smith. “Trust and the TERF wars: Why should feminists trust anybody again?” [2023]
Society for Evidence-Based Medicine. “Sweden’s Karolinska ends all use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors outside of clinical studies: Concerns over medical harm and uncertain benefits result in a major policy shift.” [2021]
Sonia Sodha. “Don’t buy the Stonewall line on gender identity? Fine. You can’t be sacked for that now.” [2022]
Ewan Somerville. “NHS U-turns on transgender plans for maternity care after midwives revolt: Those who opposed the ‘gender inclusive training’ said it was a ‘watershed moment’ for staff rooting out trans ideology from the inside.” [2023]
Lucinda Stoan. “To advance civil rights, oppose transgender extremism.” [2019]
The Sunday Times [London]. “SNP trans fiasco highlights the dangers of groupthink.” Editorial. [2023]
Wall Street Journal. (Opinion) "Youth gender transition is pushed without evidence: Psychotherapy, not hormones and surgery, is increasingly the first line of treatment abroad.” [2023]
Letter signed by 22 professionals—medical doctors and psychiatrists--from Europe, South Africa and the U.S.
Joanna Williams. “Is it now ’far right’ to be a feminist?” [2023]
Women's Declaration International. "Declaration on Women's Sex-based Rights."
Women’s Forum Australia. “Australian doctor pens powerful warning about harmful ‘gender affirmation treatments’ for children.” [2022]
When you lose your ego, you win. It really is that simple.
― Shannon L. Alder
Amala Ekpunobi. “Children should not choose their gender: An unapologetic special.” [2023] VIDEO
Ann Menasche, civil rights attorney. "The erasure of women as a sex class: Interview on Fran Luck’s 'Joy of Resistance' show, Radio Station WBAI [New York City]" 11.17.22.
Brendan O’Neill. “Genevieve Gluck: Why I’m exposing the trans cult.” [2022]
Dr. Quentin Van Meter. “The terrible fraud of transgender medicine.” [2018] VIDEO
_____. “The transgender myth with Dr. Quentin Van Meter.” [2019] PODCAST
Stephanie Winn. “Why not ban conversion therapy?: Therapists and detransitioner testify against Oregon HB 2458.” VIDEO
Woman: Adult Human Female. "'Adult Human Female' the documentary movie (2022): Watch here the first UK documentary feature to look at the clash between women’s rights and trans ideology." (2023)
One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.
― Joan of Arc
Michael Biggs. “The Tavistock’s experimentation with puberty blockers.” [2019] BOOK IN PDF FORMAT, downloadable at https://www.transgendertrend.com/product/the-tavistocks-experimentation-with-puberty-blockers/
Maria Keffler. Desist, detrans, & detox: Getting your child out of the Gender Cult. [2021] BOOK
Paradox Institute. “Myths of gender affirming care.” [2023] DOWNLOADABLE PAMPHLET https://www.theparadoxinstitute.com/print/pamphlets/myths-of-gender-aff…
What is in my power to be, I want to become. But they want to knead me into the solid mass of a preordained female essence instead, force me with naïve brutality into a generic type, like an animal representing its genus and not being seen as an individual specimen. One donkey may be more or less the same as another, but one woman is not the same as the next. Women are as different from each other as men.
― Hedwig Dohm, The Antifeminists. A Book of Vindication: Women, Men and Misogyny in the Age of Nietzsche