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Areas 0f Expertise

B.A. History  (U.C. Davis)

Certificate in English as a Second Language (U.C. Riverside)

suggested questions
What are "sex-based rights"?
Why are women opposing transgender rights?
What is the ERA and what is its status in law at the present time?
Why do women think they haven't achieved equality already?
What are the most pressing issues facing women in this country today?

I am a mother and grandmother.  I worked for over twenty years as a grade school teacher and school librarian.  My degree in history included women's history, as well as modern Third World history. I worked for the United Farmworkers Union in California as a field organizer and was active in organizing and demonstrating against the war in Vietnam, beginning in the early sixties in California.

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Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights
P.O. Box 1224; Carbondale Illinois 62903
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