1A. The Politics of Women’s Rights; Community Organizing; Activism, Advocacy. Women’s Feminist and Gender Critical Male Allies. Feminism and the Left
Feminist Current
“…a unique perspective on gender, women’s rights, violence against women, pop culture, politics, current events, sexuality, and many other issues that are often underrepresented or misrepresented by mainstream, progressive, and feminist media sources.”
Gender Critical Greens PAC
The Andrew Goodman Foundation
“Stengthening Women’s Voices in Politics”
The Green Light
"Green identinarians can be extremely vocally aggressive resulting in the acquiescence of other members for fear of being denounced as racist or transphobic. This culture of bullying and harassment as evidenced in a number of local parties and regions has, sadly, also been observed at Green Party conferences."
Labour Women’s Declaration [UK]
“Holding labour to account on women’s sex-based rights”
Graham Linehan
The Glinner Update
“... fighting for women’s rights…”
Meeting Ground Online
“For the liberation of women and working people”
“This blogzine is dedicated to organizing: please discuss! argue! write!
Party of Women
"Kellie-Jay Keen founded Party Of Women to make sure that people can safely say,
"No woman has a penis,
"No man has a vagina,
"There is no such thing as "non-binary."
"And 'transitioning' children is abuse."
Period Action
"We aim to advocate for systemic change through policy and legislation regarding menstrual equity. Reaching out to state representatives, canvassing, and lobbying are all important in making period poverty a mainstream issue and one that our legislators will prioritize."
The time is always right to do what is right.
― Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Katherine M. Acosta. “American fascism: Implications for women of a 2nd Trump administration: The agenda of the incoming Trump administration has grave implications for women; not only for reproductive autonomy, but for our standing as citizens in a free society." [2024]
_____. “No, Kara Dansky, Working with the Radical Right is not Feminism: Feminists resisting pressure to work with the radical right on gender identity policy and law is apparently a difficult phenomenon to stamp out, but Dansky gives it another go!"
_____. “On right wing militias & working with the Radical Right: Jayne Egerton responds to the discussion of right wing militias in Danksy’s latest blog, and to WDI USA’s response to her 2021 essay about feminists and the religious right.” [2023]
Julie Bindel. Julie Bindel. “Men on the left hate women, men on the right hate women, but who has the power to take our rights away?” [2022]
_____. “The sly sexism of Left-wing men: Supporting porn and prostitutes doesn't make you a feminist.” [2022]
Carol Dansereau. “Hitchhiker's Guide (Part V): Undermining the movement humanity needs.” [2022]
Kara Dansky. “Democrats like me are furious with our party for pushing gender insanity.”
[2021] https://archive.ph/W2MAn
Defend Feminists Campaign. “Inciting violence has no place on the Left.” [2020]
Sarah Ditum. "How the Left betrayed feminism: Who needs women's sex-based rights when you have authoritarian utopianism?" [2020]
Wayne Flower, Melbourne correspondent. “EXCLUSIVE: Inside the betrayal that drove MP Moira Deeming to fight for the protection of women’s rights - and why the suspended MP will NEVER be silenced.” [2023]
Zachary George. “Misogyny is revisionism: Part 1: On the Left’s 'woman problem.'” [2017]
_____. “Misogyny is revisionism Part 3: In defense of feminism.”
Mary Harrington. “The problem with male feminists.” [2021]
_____. “The sexual revolution killed feminism: Fetishising freedom harms us all.” [2021]
Jane Clair Jones. “Purity spirals, political alliances, and movement building.” [2022]
The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.
― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own
Sirin Kale. “The legendary women's rights activist who mailed Obama a coat hanger: Laura X led the campaign to outlaw marital rape across the USA in the 1970s and 1980s.” [2016]
Laura Kamienski. “For us: In defense of women’s only spaces.”
James Kirkup. “Is Labour changing its mind on trans issues?: The shadow chancellor’s comments may well split the party. [2022]
Bruce Lesnick. "Some socialists double down on support for reactionary gender ideology: And in the process, jettison material reality and all pretense of rational thought." [2023]
D.J. Lippy. “Feminism and the far Left: Let Women Speak.” [2022]
Claudia Lucas and Julia Diana Robertson. “NY Democrats quietly dismantle “1 male, 1 female’ rule. [2019]
Ian Millheiser. “Ruth Bader Ginsburg probably just dealt a fatal blow to the Equal Rights Amendment: A half-century long fight for equality is likely at an end.” [2020]
Meghan Murphy. “The problem with male feminists: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a perfect example of the problem with men’s self-proclaimed feminism.” [2018]
Wendy Murphy. “An open letter to Harvard Law Professor Nancy Gartner.” [2023]
President Barack Obama. "Remarks of President Barack Obama on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act bill signing." [2009]
Thistle Petterson. “Feminist ejected from 'Queer' workshop at Feminist Party's Presidential Nominating Convention.” [2022]
Carli Pierson. “Remind me why the Biden administration is in court fighting publication of the ERA?” [2022]https://archive.ph/OFn39
Kat Rosenfield. “How feminism ate itself: The call for intersectionality was the beginning of the movement's end.” [2021]
Michael Savage. “Labour accused of ‘silencing’ women in row over sex-based rights group.” [2022]
Sex Matters. “Lib Dems revise transphobia definition.” [2022]
Wikipedia. "William Lloyd Garrison." [n.d.]
Wikipedia. "John Stuart Mill."
They tried to bury us; they did not know we were the seeds.
― Mexican Proverb
Simon Anderson. “Let Women Speak tour. Albert Park, Auckland. 25/iii/2023 [March 25, 2023].” A listing of videos “captured during the riot at Albert Park, and subsequent demonstrations at Destiny Church and the Rainbow counter-demonstrations…" VIDEOS
Imam Arshad Anwar, Sulaiman Nureddin, Fakiha Khan. “What does justice demand of our brothers?: Ending men’s violence with this generation.” Produced and edited by GASBR member Hugh Esco. [2020] VIDEO
Guilt is not a response to anger; it is a response to one’s own actions or lack of action. If it leads to change then it can be useful, since it is then no longer guilt but the beginning of knowledge. Yet all too often, guilt is just another name for impotence, for defensiveness destructive of communication; it becomes a device to protect ignorance and the continuation of things the way they are, the ultimate protection for changelessness.
― Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
Kara Dansky. The reckoning: How the Democrats and the Left betrayed women and girls. [2023] BOOK
"... Kara Dansky, a radical feminist and lifelong Democrat, exposes the invasion by men into female-only spaces, the harming of children, and the silencing, punishment, cancellation and even violence against women who speak out." -- Barnes and Noble
Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner. Keep marching: How every woman can take action and change our world. [2018] BOOK
Starhawk. The empowerment manual: A guide for collaborative groups. [2011] BOOK https://starhawk.org/writing/books/the-empowerment-manual/
Weird, isn’t it, but I struggle to remember any other progressive movement that attracted so many men who love fantasising about the brutal deaths of women.
― JKRowling