21. General Sources:  Organizations and Individuals; Websites and Blogs; Media and Print Media

computer screen, "children"


21. General Sources:  Organizations and Individuals; Websites and Blogs; Media and Print Media

4th Wave Now
“A community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth”

“… a platform [for] today’s feminists… to speak against gender identity and male violence…”

The 11thHour
Jennifer Bilek

100 Greatest Female Recording Artists of Rock 'n' Roll 

Advocates Protecting Children
“…dedicated to fighting the gender industry, and especially its predation on children in the form of unethical social and medical transition for the sake of political and financial profit.”

Alternatives for Girls
“... to help homeless and high-risk girls and young women avoid violence, teen pregnancy and exploitation, and help them to explore and access the support, resources and opportunities necessary to be safe, to grow strong and to make positive choices in their lives.”

Anarcha Library

Art Design Cafe’. “Gender ideology news links (GINL) — by topic.”  [2022]
A bibliography of articles on this subject, too extensive for individual articles to be cited in this Webliography.  The site has several categories of interest.

Asian Women for Equality
“... to change societal attitudes towards women, especially women of Asian descent; to advance equality for Asian women; and to create opportunities for Asian women to have meaningful participation and to take leadership roles in civil society. Asian Women for Equality sees prostitution as a form of male violence against women that can be eradicated."

Association of War Affected Women (AWA) [Sri Lanka]  
“We also work for women’s rights and advancement as well democracy and good governance. Currently we are training women to run for political office.”

Arienh Autumn
"Anarcha-Feminist, sex trafficking survivor"

Battered Women’s Justice Project
“... the national resource center on civil and criminal justice responses to intimate partner violence (IPV).”

Don't be ashamed of your story — it will inspire others.     
— Anonymous

Battered Women's Support Services [Vancouver]
"Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS), as ending violence workers, frequently and regularly work with women facing homelessness. It is the worst form of urban poverty and social vulnerability. Women are one of the groups affected most dramatically by homelessness, in terms of both the challenges they face once homeless and the impacts of the dangers to them of being homeless."

The Best of Gender Critical Twitter

Beyond WPATH [World Professional Association for Transgender Health]
“As mental health professionals, public health scientists, and allied organizations and individuals, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the current Standards of Care released by WPATH (the World Professional Association for Transgender Health). We hold that WPATH has discredited itself.”

Julie Bindel
          PODCASTS, ETC. https://archive.org/search.php?query=Julie%20Bindel

Black Women’s Health Imperative
“…to help protect and advance the health and wellness of Black women and girls.”

Black Women’s Rape Action Project [UK]

“A broad blogs broadly on women & men’s psychology: sex, relationships, equality”

Dr. Heather Bruskell-Evans

Canadian Women’s Sex-Based Rights [Similar organizations exist in Scotland, Wales and New Zealand. ]
“…a cross-Canada, non-partisan coalition of women and male allies working together to preserve the rights and protections of women and girls, as enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Section 15).

The Cass Review [UK]
"Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people"

Canadian Gender Report

Center for Bioethics and Culture
“… to educate and inform members of the general public, thought leaders, lawmakers, and others on ethical issues in healthcare, biomedical research, and biotechnological advancement.”

 Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.
― Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

 Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women
 “... to stop violence against Native women  and children by advocating for social change in our communities.”                                                                     

Comfort Women Justice Coalition
“... to remember the hundreds of thousands of women and girls sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Army from the early 1930s to 1945 and to educate the public about their history.”

 Comfort Women News
“... to share in English what is being said from Korean press.”

Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights
“… to use knowledge about gender and security to end armed conflicts and build sustainable international peace.”

Counting Dead Women
Karen Ingala Smith
“CEO of nia, a London-based domestic and sexual violence charity working to end violence against women and girls… writing…  in a personal capacity.”

Culturally Bound Gender 
“Gender identity as culturally bound phenomenon”    

Culture Reframed
“Building resilience & resistance to hypersexualized media & porn”

Carol Dansereau

Kara Dansky
“…committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and  girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout society.”

Defend Feminists
“Stand up for democracy and oppose the blacklisting of feminists!”
“… to expose abuse towards feminists who suffer damage to their reputations, careers and who endure social ridicule, defamation, libel and threats of violence, and in some cases, actual physical harm due to expressing woman-centered feminist views.”
         Justice for Ann [Menasche] Committee

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
— Desmond Tutu

The Deprogrammer
K. Yang
“Exposing the trans agenda”

Detrans Awareness Day
“Our unique health care needs are ignored by the same professionals that were eager to medicalize us. We are not going to hide in the shadows. We deserve ethical medical treatment.”

Detrans United
“…a group of former transgender-identifying youth and adults who have come together to voice our dissent against "gender affirming care,"  influence policy, and provide a network of support for detransitioners.” 

Detrans Voices
“Amplifying the voices of detransitioned women, being a detrans woman myself.”

Detransition Subreddit
“Welcome all detransitioners/desisters and self-questioners…. Post anything about gender detransition.”
          (Detransition related scientific studies/Puberty blocker
         (Gn-RH agonist related scientific research)

Division for the Advancement of Women, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs
“... to end violence against women.”

Andrea Dworkin Was Right
“Dedicated to the writings of Andrea Dworkin. ‘I am a radical feminist. Not the fun kind.’”

Andrea Dworkin Website. 
No Status Quo
Maintained by Nikki Craft


… for sex not to mean dirt–for sex not to be dirty–the status of women would have to change radically; there would have to be equality without equivocation or qualification, social equality for all women, not personal exemptions from insult for some women in some circumstances.  
― Andrea Dworkin, Intercourse

 East African Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (EAC)    
“...to help communities eradicate poverty by empowering  themselves, by improving literacy for women and children, and by improving the communities’ overall health status.”

Enough Is Enough
"Making the Internet safer for children and families"
(Has extensive material on trafficking, pornography, etc.)

Equal Means Equal
“Join the fight in your state to add women’s rights to the  Constitution.”  
(To access this site, please copy the link and paste into your browser.)

ERA Education Project
“Equal means equal.”  “…created to raise public awareness about the need to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.”

European Network of Migrant Women
“…a migrant-women-led feminist, secular, non-partisan platform that advocates for the rights, freedoms and dignity of migrant, refugee and ethnic minority women and girls in Europe.”

Feisty Menopause
“Menopause guidance for perfomance-minded women”

Feminist Current
“…a unique perspective on gender, women’s rights, violence against women, pop culture, politics, current events, sexuality, and many other issues that are often  underrepresented or misrepresented by mainstream, progressive, and feminist media sources.”

Feminist  Foundation. Feminist Daily Newswire 

Feminist Wiki
“The FeministWiki specializes on feminism, and is managed by feminists and their supporters. It aims to archive and present information relevant to feminism, and explain feminist perspectives to the reader.”

Feministing [archived]

Feminists in Struggle [FIST]
“... a national female-only radical feminist network, democratically run, and composed of individuals born female and affiliated female-only feminist organizations.”


Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good.  Luckily, this is not difficult.
― Charlotte Whitton

Free to Speak [UK]
“Concern is increasing over the content of lessons taught via the relationships and sex education (RSE) curriculum…
“Free To Speak wants to help you to voice your concerns about RSE teaching and the policies in your child's school, or the educational setting in which you work.”

Gays Against Groomers
“…a coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children.”


Gender Critical Blogspot 
“GenderCrit Now” “A collection of blogs of interest to readers who are critical of social sex-roles.”

Gender Critical Greens Political Action Committee

Gender Critical Woman
“Examining gender identity ideology and its impact on women's sex based rights and gay rights. Exploring how this has taken such firm root in Western societies (cognitive & regulatory capture).”

Gender Critical Woman Blog
“@STILLTish.  Gender Abolition. Examining gender identity ideology…”

Gender Dissent [Canada]
“…researching and writing about the power and money behind the gender identity industry.”

Gender Dysphoria Alliance Canada
“For a more evidence-based, less ideological conversation about gender dysphoria”

Gender Dysphoria Support Network
“… an international group that aims to offer support to families of individuals affected by gender dysphoria. Our support network recognises the difficulties presenting the person with gender dysphoria and also recognises that friends and families can be in need of emotional understanding and support. “

Gender Exploratory Therapy Association (GETA)
“We believe people who are experiencing distress regarding gender or biological sex should have access to ethical, developmentally appropriate psychotherapy.
“We reject treatments that set out to change sexual orientation or gender identity. Practices that use coercive techniques have no place in health care.”

Gender and Radiation Impact Project
”In the Atomic Age, gendermatters.”

Gendered Violence Research Network Newsroom
“... one of Australia’s leading research hubs for investigating, exploring and finding solutions to prevent gendered violence.”

Generation Ratify
“…the youth-led movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and advance gender equality in the United States of America.”

“A rational approach to gender”
          Beyond Trans 
          “… support and advice to people who feel distressed or ambivalent
         about their transition.”

          Beyond Transition
          “Some detransition. Others may not physically detransition, but their
          minds have detransitioned: they’ve moved on from an  
          ideology that led them to believe they could become another person,
          and they’ve come to realise that this ideology can
          cause harm.
          “We launched ‘Beyond Transition’ to meet the specific needs of
          detransitioners, as well as those who are in a more uncertain  
          space.  We believe it's time that the varying needs of different  groups
          are offered comprehensive help." 

           Helpful groups (international and parent support groups)


The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.
― Roseanne Barr


The Glinner Update
“... fighting for women’s rights…”

Global Fund for Women    
“We support gender justice movements to create meaningful change that will last beyond our lifetimes.”

Global Women’s Strike
Huelga Mundial de Mujeres
“International network for recognition & payment for all caring work”

Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights 
“An alliance to restore integrity and genuine feminism to Green and independent Left organizations in the United States”

Andrew Goodman Foundation
“Strengthening Women’s Voices in Politics”

Green Women’s Declaration (UK and Wales).  "Green Declaration for Sex-Based Rights.” [2023]
"Women’s rights, based on the reality of biological sex, have been eroded within the GPEW [Green Party of England and Wales], as elsewhere in society. We believe the consequences of this disregard for the protected characteristic of sex are extremely damaging for women and girls,...There now exists a chilling atmosphere of censure and fear within the Party, which affects not only free speech but also free thought."

Gulabi Gang [India]
 "The Gulabi Gang was initially intended to punish oppressive husbands, fathers and brothers, and combat domestic violence and desertion. The members of the gang would accost male offenders and prevail upon them to see reason. The more serious offenders were publicly shamed when they refused to listen or relent. Sometimes the women resorted to their lathis, if the men resorted to use of force.”

Guttmacher Institute
“Good reproductive health policy starts with credible research”

Harvard Journal of Law & Gender

A Healthy Place
“... the largest consumer mental health site on the net.”

Homeless Prenatal Program
“... family resource center in San Francisco that empowers homeless and low-income families, particularly mothers motivated by pregnancy and parenthood, to find within themselves the strength and confidence they need to transform their lives.”

Independent Women’s Voice.  “Women’s Bill of Rights.” [2022]
“We know what a woman is, what a female is, and what a mother is. Our politicians and our laws should too.
         "Radical gender ideologues are trying to redefine womanhood as a subjective state unrelated to biology. This isn’t just about semantics. This limits our opportunities and threatens our privacy and our safety.”

Institute for Women’s Policy Research
“...a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that engages in research and dissemination to shape public policy and improve the lives and opportunities of women from diverse backgrounds.”

If, When, How
“…nationwide network of lawyers, law students, legal professionals, and movement organizers who are working to make reproductive freedom a reality for all… If/When/How envisions a transformation of the legal systems and institutions that perpetuate oppression into structures that realize justice, and a future when all people can self-determine their reproductive lives free from discrimination, coercion, or violence.”

International Network for Incarcerated Girls and Women
“INIGW members advocate for the rights of incarcerated girls and women in their respective countries/states, and we support each other and other groups & individuals advocating for incarcerated females in various locations.” https://theinigw.wixsite.com/inigw

It is the inextricable masculinity in our idea of government which so revolts at the idea of women as voters. 'To govern:' that means to boss, to control, to have authority; and that only, to most minds. They cannot bear to think of the woman as having control over even their own affairs; to control is masculine, they assume. Seeing only self-interest as a natural impulse, and the ruling powers of the state as a sort of umpire, an authority to preserve the rules of the game while men fight it out forever; they see in a democracy merely a wider range of self interest, a wider, freer field to fight in. 
― Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Man-Made World

International Network for the Rights of Female Victims of Violence in Pakistan

Sheila Jeffreys

Derrick Jensen
“If we wish to stop the atrocities, we need merely to step away from the isolation.
There is a whole world waiting for us, ready to welcome us home.”
          AUDIO https://derrickjensen.org/?s=radical+feminism

Jane Clare Jones
“... feminist philosopher, feminist writer and feminist activist.”

Keep Prisons Single Sex
“... to campaign for the sex-based rights of women in prison to single-sex accommodation and same-sex searching. We also campaign for data on offending to be recorded by sex throughout the criminal justice system.”

Paul Kivel
“Educator, writer, activist.”  Anti-violence activist, organizer of the Oakland Men’s Project

Labour Women’s Declaration [UK]
“Holding labour to account on women’s sex-based rights”

Legal Feminist (UK)
“... a collective of UK solicitors and barristers… [curate] feminist interrogation of the law and how it works, or fails to work for women.”  

Lesbians United. Child Transition.
“... young tomboys are being medicated and operated on by doctors who want to turn them into facsimiles of heterosexual men. But these procedures - sold as "transition" - are painful, irreversible, and incredibly dangerous. They can and do result in death.
          “Lesbians United isn’t just fighting against medical malpractice. We’re fighting to save the next generation of lesbians...”

Let Women Speak

LGB Alliance USA
“Leading the fight for same sex rights”

This is no simple reform. It really is a revolution. Sex and race because they are easy and visible differences have been the primary ways of organizing human beings into superior and inferior groups and into the cheap labor in which this system still depends. We are talking about a society in which there will be no roles other than those chosen or those earned. We are really talking about humanism.
— Gloria Steinem, American journalist


Libertad Latina
Indigenous & Latina Women & Children's Human Rights News from the Americas

Graham Linehan
The Glinner Update

Lipstick Alley.  LSA Womanist/Feminist Forum
“A forum that discusses the social realities of slavery, segregation, sexism, and economic exploitation of women.”


Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Make Her Story
“Taking action however we can, whenever we can, to end the abuse, enslavement and trafficking of women and girls in the UK and beyond...”

Mayday4Women UK
“UK based feminist page. Sex not gender. No to self-ID. Anti-porn, abolitionist, kink-shamers. Nordic”

MMIWG2S – Missing and  Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit  

Eliza Mondegreen
Writing Behavior


MSI Reproductive Choices  [Marie Stopes International]
“... every woman and every girl should have the power to decide and determine the path their life takes.  ”

By parents. For parents”

Mumsnet Talk Women’s Rights

Wendy Murphy, J.D.
Adjunct Professor of Sexual Violence Law at New England Law, Boston
"For more than fifteen years, Wendy Murphy has served as adjunct professor of sexual violence law at New England Law|Boston, where she also co directs the Women’s and Children’s Advocacy Project under the Center for Law and Social Responsibility. A former Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School, Wendy prosecuted child abuse and sex crimes cases for many years.
In 1992 she founded the first organization in the nation to provide pro bono legal services to crime victims. Wendy is an impact litigator whose work in state and federal courts has changed the law to better protect the constitutional and civil rights of victimized women and children. Wendy writes and lectures widely on the constitutional and civil rights of women and children, and criminal justice policy. She is a contributing editor for The Sexual Assault Report, and writes a regular column for The Patriot Ledger. Wendy has published numerous scholarly articles including a landmark law review article explaining the legal relationship between sexual assault on campus and Title IX. Dubbed the “Goddaughter of Title IX” by the “Godmother of Title IX,” Dr. Bernice Sandler, Wendy’s impact litigation in the area of campus sexual assault, beginning in the early 1990s, includes groundbreaking victories against Harvard College in 2002, and Harvard Law School and Princeton University in 2010, which cases led the way to widespread awareness and reforms, including the well-known April 2011 Dear Colleague Letter." 
~ Feminists in Struggle biography

My Sisters' Place [Hartford, CT]
“... a safe and nurturing environment… for  people who have found themselves homeless due to domestic violence, eviction, unemployment or mental illness – the overwhelming majority often women and children.”

National Advocates for Pregnant Women
“…National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW) works to secure the human and civil rights, health and welfare of all people, focusing particularly on pregnant and parenting women, and those who are most likely to be targeted for state control and punishment — low income women, women of color, and drug-using women.”

National Partnership for Women and Families
“To improve the lives of women and families by achieving equality for all women”

No Conflict They Said
“... the impact on women of men using women-only spaces, including but not limited to: bathrooms, shelters, rape and domestic violence refuges, gyms, spas, sports, schools, accommodations, hospital wards, shortlists, prizes, quotas, political groups, prisons, clubs, events, festivals, dating apps, and language…”

Nobel Women's Institute
"Grassroots women around the world are at the forefront of movements to build peace, justice and equality."


The battles over women's bodies can be won only by a revolution of the mind. 
― Mona Eltahawy, Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution


Nordic Model Now!
“Movement for the Abolition of Prostitution”

“...  women-run, voluntary radfem campaign linking, exposing and fighting all systems that objectify,  exploit,  harm and kill women as a sex class…”

Our Duty
"an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology.

"Ovarit is a project committed to women’s liberation that provides a platform for women-centered communities."

Oxford Feminist Union
“Asking Questions.  Encouraging Debate. Amplifying Women.”  

Pandora's Project
"Support and resources for survivors of rape and sexual abuse"

The Paradox Institute
Zach Eliot
Sex difference research in biology
“... exploring the origins of contemporary gender theory inside the framework of postmodernism…The content we produce is informed by scientific literature; professionals from the fields of biology, psychology, endocrinology, and sociology.”

Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans (PITT)
“Personal Stories and Essays by Parents Impacted by Transgender Ideology”

Parents of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria [ROGD] Kids
“… a group of parents whose children have suddenly—seemingly out of the blue—decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are at various stages in transitioning.”

Posie Parker/Kellie-Jay Kean

Partners for Ethical Care
“… a non-partisan, all-volunteer, grassroots nonprofit organization.. to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation.  We believe that no child is born in the wrong body.”   

Alice Paul Institute                                                                               
“…to honor the legacy of Alice Paul’s work for gender equality through education and leadership development.”                                                    

Peak Trans
“Challenging transgenderism from a feminist perspective”
          (Detransitioning)  https://www.peaktrans.org/detransitioning 

Period Action
"We aim to advocate for systemic change through policy and legislation regarding menstrual equity. Reaching out to state representatives, canvassing, and lobbying are all important in making period poverty a mainstream issue and one that our legislators will prioritize."

Period Equity
"Food or tampons? No one should have to choose."

Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence [formerly Women Organized Against Rape, or WOAR]

Pique Resilience Project

Plight of the Unpeople

Post Trans
"a project giving space for female detransitioners and desisters to share their journeys. contact us if you want to be a part of it!"

Identity is such a crucial affair that one shouldn't rush into it.
— David Quammen

Progressive Misogyny
“Parody in support of women's rights: it seems a shame to have to point it out but MRAs [men’s rights advocates] have no sense of  humour.”

Project Nettie 
“Project Nettie: scientists supporting biological sex.”     

 Prostitution Research & Education 
“…research on prostitution, pornography and trafficking … PRE’s goal is to abolish the institution of prostitution while … advocating for alternatives to trafficking and prostitution – including emotional and physical healthcare for women in  prostitution. The roots of prostitution are in the assumption  that men are entitled to buy women for sex, in racism, and in women’s poverty.”

The Radical Notion

Radicailín [Ireland]
“a radical feminist group made up of Irish and migrant women who recognise that women’s oppression is based on the material reality of our biological sex. “

The Radical Grimoires. 

Radical Women

Raging Grannies International

Reaching Out Romania
"Over the years we have assisted 750 victims, mostly Romanian women and girls who have been enslaved and abused in many European countries. We offered them home as well as psychological, medical and legal assistance and we made them part of our family."

"Feminist News and Opinion”

Repro Health Watch
“…a weekly email digest designed to give you the most important reproductive health news of the week.”

ReSister groups from around the UK & Ireland united in the protection of women's rights”

ReSisters United [UK & Ireland]
“…We have formed from local, grassroots feminist groups in order to coordinate and organise national and international action.”

Respect My Sex [If You Want My X]

No nation can ever be worthy of its existence that cannot take its women along with the men. No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.  There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.
― Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan  
“RAWA is the oldest political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan since 1977.” 

Revolving Door HR
Lisa Annette Stanley
“2016 was a bruising year all across the country with BULLYING of all kinds being an ever-increasing problem for citizens of this country.  Many offices have become a toxic, hostile work environment, particularly towards women.  This has got to stop.  This starts with teaching Emotional Intelligence. “

“Abortion on demand and without apology.” “If you care about the half of humanity that is born female…”

Safe Schools Alliance UK
“... a grassroots organisation which campaigns to uphold child safeguarding in schools.”

Save the Tomboys
“... to raise awareness about homophobia in the gender movement and “the mass medicalization of tomboys, who are disproportionately likely to grow up lesbian.”
Save Women’s Sports
“…a coalition that fights to preserve sex-based eligibility standards for participation in female sports”

Scottish Feminists
“Scottish women, campaigning for our rights.”                                                             

Sex Change Regret
“Take back your life.  Others have. You can, too.”

Sex Matters [UK]
“Sex matters in life and in law.  It shouldn’t take courage to say so.”

Sex. Not Gender. [UK]
“…to counter the creeping replacement of the term sex with the term ‘gender’ in areas such as equality monitoring forms and diversity policies… It's in black & white. In the Equality Act.”

Shattering Glass
“…dedicated to fighting for gender equality and gender equity to ensure that our daughters, granddaughters and their children can achieve their dreams, know their worth, and live in a world free of barriers, discrimination and bias. We do this through advocacy, education and outreach - presenting the issues women face, the policies that need to change and the proposed solutions.”

Abigail Shrier
The Truth Fairy

Society for Evidence Based Medicine
“…to promote safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria.”

Sole Sisters [Scotland]
“protecting women's rights and amplifying women's voices in Scotland”

SOS Rights [“Save Our “Sex-Based Rights”]
“The legal rights and social advances women won over the past century are at risk. SOS Rights was formed in order to preserve our foremothers’ victories and to advance the standing of women in the 21st century.”
https://sosrights.orgSovereign Women Speak

Speak Up for Women [New Zealand]
“Our goal has always been the protection of women’s rights in law.    … Regardless of what parliament decides to record on birth certificates, biological sex will go on exisiting and mattering.…The female experience cannot be legislated out of existence. … New Zealand is losing protections for women and children, data and opportunities to redress inequality.”

SPACE International [Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment]
“SPACE was first formed in Ireland, in 2012, for the purpose  of changing social attitudes towards prostitution and pressing for its recognition as a sexually exploitative human rights violation.”



No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body. 
― Margaret Sanger


Spinifex Press [Australia]
“an award-winning independent feminist press, publishing innovative and controversial feminist books”

“A women-first social network. Feminist, federated, and free.”

Standing for Women
Posey Parker
“Woman – adult human female”

StatsforGender.org.  “Puberty blockers.”
Peer-reviewed science.

Stop Female Erasure
“Female erasure involves the removal of words that are specific to females and our biologically sexed bodies in and in law. Around the world, the words female, mother, woman, and girls are being removed from news articles, advertisements,  public health campaigns and in laws that are directly related to our female bodies and their biological processes which directly impact the  privacy, safety, and rights of women and girls.”

Stop Patriarchy
“End pornography and patriarchy: the enslavement & degradation of women”

Stop the Sex Industry [Sweden]

Supportive Older Women's Network ["SOWN"]

TERF Collective
“A syndicate of GCs and RadFems working to end the international campaign of female erasure.”

The TERF Exhibit
“Exposing the Gender Movement”

Trans Rational Educational Voices
“Trans adults and others SCREAMING to STOP childhood medical transition.”

Trans Widows Voices [UK]
“Amplifying the voices of women who have split, or want to split from transitioning partners.”

Critiquing Transgender Doctrine & Gender Identity Politics
“Over 400 curated links to blog posts and online articles that question and critique transgender doctrine, genderist dogma, and gender identity politics”

Transgender Trend
“…an organisation of parents, professionals and academics based in the UK who are concerned about the current trend to diagnose children as transgender, including the unprecedented number of teenage girls suddenly self-identifying as ‘trans’ (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria or ROGD). We are also concerned about legislation which places transgender rights above the right to safety for girls and young women in public toilets and changing rooms along with fairness for girls in sport.”
“No child is born in the wrong body.”

Transition Justice
“We connect detransitioners and others negatively affected by gender medicine with legal assistance. If you have been harmed by transition-related interventions, please contact us today. We can set up a consultation to learn more about you and how we may be able to help.”

UN Women. Global Database on Violence Against Women.
“[To] provide easy access to comprehensive and up-to-date information on measures undertaken by Governments to address all forms of violence against women; Increase opportunities for exchange of experiences in addressing violence against women;
          "Strengthen the knowledge-base for effective policy responses to prevent and address violence against women; andEncourage the further collection, availability, use and dissemination of data on violence against women, as well as analysis of such data."

United Nations.  Human Development Reports.  "2023 Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI):  Breaking down gender biases: Shifting social norms towards gender equality.” [2023]

Fred Victor [Toronto]
"a social service charitable organization that fosters long-lasting and positive change in the lives of homeless and low-income people living across Toronto."

“Advisor for Genspect: http://genspect.org
“Advisor for Gender Dysphoria Alliance: http://genderdysphoriaalliance.com

Women have forever been viewed as the Other: The other sex, the other half, the other option. Always the next best thing, always another part of.  
― Ayesha Taryam 

“Protecting women and youth against all forms of violence... a feminist, gender-responsive organization in the Philippines… to …work with its communities of poor, marginalized women and youth… to  design a comprehensive bases conversion for the would-be displaced women in the baselands.”

Whose Body Is It
Isabel Malbin
     More resources        
     Gender critical & radical feminist resource guide        

With Woman
“… birth workers and activists, focused on the pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding concerns of women. Sex-based language is important due to sex-based oppression.”

Woman’s Place UK

Women Are Human
“Gender identity for the mainstream”

Women Talk Back
“A platform for unruly women”

Women for Women International

Women’s Bill of Rights
“We know what a woman is, what a female is, and what a mother is. Our politicians and our laws should too.
Radical gender ideologues are trying to redefine womanhood as a subjective state unrelated to biology. This isn’t just about semantics. This limits our opportunities and threatens our privacy and our safety.
          "Help codify our common understanding of basic sex-based words.’

Women’s eNews

Women’s Media Center
“ …  a progressive, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to raise the visibility, viability and decision-making  power of women and girls in media and, thereby, ensuring  that their stories get told and their voices are heard.”

Women’s Rights Network [WRN, UK]

Women's Suffrage and the Media
"... a database and resource site created by members of the American Journalism Historians Association. 

Women’s Voices Matter

Women’s Will Association [Iraq]
“We believe that the occupation is a major hindrance to the advancement of the cause of Iraqi women…” 

XX Amazons
“Ending patriarchy, recreating the female-centered world”

Yes All Women
“Yes all women go through physical, mental and sexual abuse.”

This is not a men vs. women issue. It’s about people vs. prejudice.”
— Laura Bates, Everyday Sexism

Amy Allebest. Breaking down Patriarchy
“... the roots of patriarchy…”  

Karen Davis. You’re kiddin’, right? 

“Andrea Dworkin: Intercourse.” [2020]  
“A discussion of the ideas in the first chapter of Andrea Dworkin's (1987) book ‘Intercourse.’

Feminist Heretics  
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv4YxZ0c56sGbGbuZeGhQig Gender Troubles

“Joy of Resistance.”  
“Multicultural Feminist Radio”

National Park Service, Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument. "Suffrage in 60 seconds." [2020]  
https://archive.ph/wip/Doued Radio Station WBAI [New York].  

Stella O’Malley & Sasha Ayad.  Gender: A wider lens podcast.  “Gender, identity and transition from a wider psychological perspective.” 

Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. 
― Maya Angelou


Adams, John; Adams, Abigail (March–May 1776). "Letters of Abigail Adams." Letters between Abigail Adams and her husband John Adams.  

Simone de Beauvoir.  The second sex.  [1949]  
Classic work on women’s rights 

Andrea Dworkin.  Complete works of Andrea Dworkin. [2012]  

Susan Faludi.  Backlash: the undeclared war against American women.  [1991]  

Feminism & Psychology  
“The peer-reviewed journal's principal aim is to foster feminist theory and practice in—and beyond—psychology.”

Feminist Criminology  
Peer reviewed journal.
“…research related to women, girls, and crime within the context of a feminist critique of criminology. Published five times a year by SAGE Publications as the official journal of the Division on Women and Crime of the American Society of Criminology, this international publication focuses on research and theory that highlights the gendered nature of crime.          
         The feminist critique of criminology incorporates a perspective that the paths to crime differ for males and females. Therefore, research that uses sex as a control variable often fails to illuminate the factors that predict female criminality.”

Betty Friedan.  The feminine mystique.  [1963]

Journal of Women’s History  
“…scholarship from around the globe in all historical periods.”

The Radical Notion  
 “... non-for profit quarterly magazine … run by an all-woman collective of  radical and socialist feminists… committed to the materialist analysis of sex-based oppression, and to challenging the material and symbolic structures of male dominance."

Naomi Wolf.  The beauty myth:  How images of beauty are used against women.  [1991]  

_____.  Vagina: A new biography.  [2012] 

Mary Wollstonecraft.  A vindication of the rights of women: With strictures on political and moral subjects.  [1792]  

A woman must continually watch herself. She is almost continually accompanied by her own image of herself. Whilst she is walking across a room or whilst she is weeping at the death of her father, she can scarcely avoid envisaging herself walking or weeping. From earliest childhood she has been taught and persuaded to survey herself continually. And so she comes to consider the surveyor and the surveyed within her as the two constituent yet always distinct elements of her identity as a woman. She has to survey everything she is and everything she does because how she appears to men, is of crucial importance for what is normally thought of as the success of her life. Her own sense of being in herself is supplanted by a sense of being appreciated as herself by another....
         One might simplify this by saying: men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves. The surveyor of woman in herself is male: the surveyed female. Thus she turns herself into an object -- and most particularly an object of vision: a sight.
― John Berger, Ways of Seeing


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Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights
P.O. Box 1224; Carbondale Illinois 62903
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