7Ba. MORE FOR PARENTS. Transgendering Children. Schools and Curricula. Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH). Social Pressure
Advocates Protecting Children
“…dedicated to fighting the gender industry, and especially its predation on children in the form of unethical social and medical transition for the sake of political and financial profit.”
Beyond WPATH[World Professional Association for Transgender Health]
“As mental health professionals, public health scientists, and allied organizations and individuals, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the current Standards of Care released by WPATH (the World Professional Association for Transgender Health). We hold that WPATH has discredited itself.”
Canadian Gender Report
“… a group of parents and professionals concerned about the medical transition of children, the introduction of gender identity teaching in our schools, and the changing legal landscape that replaces biological sex with the subjective notion of gender self-identity.”
Do No Harm
"We are a diverse group of physicians, healthcare professionals, medical students, patients, and policymakers united by a moral mission: Protect healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology. We believe in making healthcare better for all – not undermining it in pursuit of a political agenda."
Enough Is Enough
"Making the Internet safer for children and families"
(Has extensive material on trafficking, pornography, etc.)
Florida Department of Health. "Let kids be kids."
Gender Dysphoria Support Network
“… an international group that aims to offer support to families of individuals affected by gender dysphoria. Our support network recognises the difficulties presenting the person with gender dysphoria and also recognises that friends and families can be in need of emotional understanding and support. “
Gender Exploratory Therapy Association (GETA)
“We believe people who are experiencing distress regarding gender or biological sex should have access to ethical, developmentally appropriate psychotherapy.
“We reject treatments that set out to change sexual orientation or gender identity. Practices that use coercive techniques have no place in health care.”
I Resolve
“Reasonable, loving, and tolerant solutions for education policies that respect everyone's rights.”
Lesbians United. Child Transition.
“... young tomboys are being medicated and operated on by doctors who want to turn them into facsimiles of heterosexual men. But these procedures - sold as "transition" - are painful, irreversible, and incredibly dangerous. They can and do result in death.
“Lesbians United isn’t just fighting against medical malpractice. We’re fighting to save the next generation of lesbians...”
No Secret Lesson Plans in UK Schools
“A parent led legal campaign for transparency in UK schools”
Our Duty
"An international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology.
Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans (PITT)
“Personal Stories and Essays by Parents Impacted by Transgender Ideology”
Parents of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria [ROGD] Kids
“… a group of parents whose children have suddenly—seemingly out of the blue—decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are at various stages in transitioning.”
Partners for Ethical Care
“… a non-partisan, all-volunteer, grassroots nonprofit organization.. to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. We believe that no child is born in the wrong body.”
Safe Schools Alliance UK
“... a grassroots organisation which campaigns to uphold child safeguarding in schools.”
SOS Scotland - Safeguarding Our Schools
Save the Tomboys
“... to raise awareness about homophobia in the gender movement and “the mass medicalization of tomboys, who are disproportionately likely to grow up lesbian.”
Transgender Trend
"... an organisation of parents, professionals and academics based in the UK who are concerned about the current trend to diagnose children as transgender, including the unprecedented number of teenage girls suddenly self-identifying as ‘trans’ (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria or ROGD). We are also concerned about legislation which places transgender rights above the right to safety for girls and young women in public toilets and changing rooms along with fairness for girls in sport."
School Resources
Transition Justice
“We connect detransitioners and others negatively affected by gender medicine with legal assistance. If you have been harmed by transition-related interventions, please contact us today. We can set up a consultation to learn more about you and how we may be able to help.”
Children aren’t coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your favorite colors.
― Khaled Hosseini
Richard Adams. "‘Child identifying as cat’ controversy: from TikTok video to media frenzy: Tory calls for urgent investigation raise eyebrows as Rye college says no pupil identifies ‘as a cat or any other animal.’” [2023]
Mia Ashton. “Ottawa father thrown out of school board meeting after questioning policy allowing biological males to use girls’ washrooms.” [2023]
Jo Bartosch. “The casually regressive message of Drag Queen Story Hour.” [2022]
_____. “It’s not ‘far right’ to question Drag Queen Story Hour: Parents’ legitimate safeguarding concerns are being dismissed as fascistic. “
Julie Bindel. “I was hounded out of school for ‘transphobia’: there is no forgiveness for those who question dogma.” [2022]
_____. "Mermaids is endangering children." [2022]
Jordan Boyd. “Loudon county dad arrested for trespassing at local school board meeting found not guilty.” [2023]
Susan Bradley. “OPINION: How trans activists are unethically influencing autistic children to change genders.” [2023]
Scott Broom. "'Opt-Out' protests intensify as MCPS parents resist LGBTQ+ curriculum.” (Montgomery county, Maryland) [2023]
Jo Brown. “Why did my daughter become trans?: The school encouraged her at every turn.”
Christina Buttons. “New lawsuit accuses California school district of Constitutional violation for ‘Parental Secrecy Policy’ of gender transition.” [2023]
CanaVox State and International Leaders. “Sex and gender Ideology in New Jersey’s K–12 curriculum.” [2022]
Miriam Cates. "Saying no to school transition: Social transition in schools is wrong, risky and unfair to children — and the government should ban it.” [UK] [2023]
Shelley Charlesworth. “No outsiders: Queering the primary classroom.” [2019]
Louisa Clarence-Smith. "Trans safeguarding issues excluded from Department for Education’s updated guidance: MPs said it was ‘disappointing’ framework didn’t contain ‘importance of parental involvement’ in regard to pupils switching their gender.”
Carol Dansereau. “The anti-science disaster of gender ideology in our schools.” [2022]
Lisa Selin Davis. “A letter to schools about secret social transition.” [2023]
A TEMPLATE FOR PARENTS to use when writing to their own school board on this issue.
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
– Frederick Douglass
Tyler Durden. "Who is funding 'Drag Story Hours' at California public libraries?.” [2023]
Frank Furedi. “Oxfordshire schoolgirl rises up against ‘trans inclusion’ that neglects vulnerable non-trans kids.” [2020]
Hannah Grossman. "Former LGBT activist regrets indoctrinating children with gender ideology: 'Oh my God. What have I done?': 'I had to really face myself and what I had done,' the activist said." [2023]
Julie Ireton. “New data shows increase in reports of sexual abuse in schools: New study from Canadian Centre for Child Protection details complaints between 2017 and 2021." (Canada) [2023]
Emma James. “Vermont school 'let trans girl off after making DEATH THREATS against girl, 14, who was suspended for complaining about her using female changing rooms'.” [2022]
Jaspreet Kaur. “Schoolgirls’s life being made a misery by unisex toilets.” [2023]
Harper Keenan. “Drag Queen Story Hour [DQSH].” [2022]
Aaron Kliegman. “California school district accused of secretly counseling child to transition gender faces parents wrath: Under district's so-called 'Parental Secret Policy,' schools will only inform parents of children pursuing or considering gender transition with student's prior written consent.” [2023]
Graham Linehan. “Plastic surgery and the rewiring of the human brain.” [2022]
Laura Lopez.“What schools are teaching your kids about ‘gender’: It’s not about ‘acceptance’—it’s about compliance.” [2022]
Mark Macaskill. “Primary pupils are being bullied and called transphobic for using wrong pronouns.” [2022]
Chris Matthews. “Twelve-year-olds are being taught about anal sex in school while nine-year-olds are told to 'masturbate' for homework: The shocking lesson plans used by teachers in UK classrooms.” [2023]
Brooke Migdon. "White House says gender-affirming surgeries should be limited to adults." [2024]
Valentiyn Ogirenko. “No right to privacy from the opposite sex’: 13yo girl takes school trans inclusion rules to UK High Court.” [2020]
Tyler O'Neill. “Lesbian feminist: it’s time to stop trans indoctrination in public schools.” [2020]
Patreonweb. "Olympia School District silent on key questions.” [2023]
Brendan Pierson. "Indiana ban on gender transition treatment for minors upheld by US appeals court." [2024]
Sarah Rankin. “Virginia finalizes guidance on transgender students: Including rolling back some accommodations .” [2023]
Reagan Reese. “Community ousts school board members for backing policy to hid kids’ gender transition.” [2023]
Christopher Rufo. “The real story behind Drag Queen Story Hour.” [2022]
Benjamin Ryan. "At least 14,000 U.S. minors have received gender-transition treatment or surgeries in 5 years, with docs billing $120 million: This is a conservative estimate from a new, comprehensive analysis of insurance-claims data by the advocacy nonprofit Do No Harm, which opposes such treatment for minors." [2024]
Dan Sales. "Fury as young children are showered with TAMPONS thrown by 'bloodied' 'non-binary' performer at Drag Queen show during LGBT Pride family event.” [2023]
Leor Sapir. "The 'T' piggybacking on the 'LBG': Polls make clear that Americans across political persuasions have major reservations about 'gender-affirming care' for minors and teaching gender-ideology in schools." [2022]
Geraldine Scott. "Ban children changing pronouns at school, Tory MP Miriam Cates says.” [UK][2023]
Katherine Sellgren. “Sex education to be compulsory in England’s schools.” [2017]
Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag. "Biden Administration ends support For trans surgeries on minors: What will it take for Democrats to ban puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children and adolescents?" [2024]
Abigail Shrier. "California’s New Law Lets Schools Keep Secrets from Parents: Gavin Newsom signs a bill that keeps parents in the dark if their kids change gender identity at school." [2024]
______. "Democrats deny basic biology in push to change gender of children: Governor Gavin Newsom’s allies have passed legislation to block schools from telling parents when their kids think they’re the opposite sex." [2024]
______. 'I don't want American kids': The real reason parents are suddenly choosing language immersion schools." [2022]
Benedict Smith. "Foster mother ‘nearly lost children after questioning school’s gender ideology class’.” [2023]
Ewan Somerville. ""Pupil who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher: Parents complain after recording emerges of teacher calling students homophobic and suggesting they ‘go to a different school.’” (UK) [2023]
David Strom. “Texas school district hid sexual assault of 6-year-old.” [2023]
Karen Trinko. “This mom is fighting her school’s LGBT indoctrination.” [2019]
Ethan Weinstein. "In Chester, a library’s hesitation to host Drag Queen Story Hour sparks controversy." [2022]
Women’s Declaration International, USA. “Stop ‘gender identity’ indoctrination in our schools—archive of materials.” [2022] EXTENSIVE
WND [WorldNetDaily]. “School launches secret program to turn kids ‘trans’ without telling parents: 'This is a life-altering decision that educators have no business making'.” [2020]
Every year, when you're a child, you become a different person.
― Alice Munro
Sonia Poulton. “Drag queen story time: Child grooming in plain sight?” [2020] VIDEO
Abigail Shrier. “Gender ideology in schools.” [2021]