Mission Statement of the Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights

Mission Statement for the
Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights

pdf version

As the Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights, we seek to build an explicitly gender critical and profeminist Green political movement, welcoming the participation of both women and men who embrace - as inspiration -- the founding values of the Green Party and particularly feminism, grassroots democracy, respect for diversity, and decentralization. We affirm these values especially, in the face of the recent failure to honor them by authoritarians who have usurped the leadership of the Green Party of the United States; an organization many of us have worked decades to build. We are inspired by the vision these values offer to build a harmonious future devoid of war and violence, grounded in community and economic justice, where we live sustainably and in harmony with Nature, cultivating just relationships with our global neighbors, and respectful of democratic practices which make it possible to embrace respectfully the diversity of the human community.

Towards these ends we intend to pursue as essential tasks:

  1. engaging in outreach to build a broad membership and base of support committed to this Mission;
  2. developing state-based affiliates for the Green Alliance;
  3. conducting political education for our members and for the public;
  4. honoring the leadership of feminist women;
  5. framing a process for the development and periodic ratification by democratic means, of a national platform, building upon the current GPUS platform, as a framework for engagement in organizing political action independent of the corporate parties, addressing the needs especially of women, the working class, people of color, lesbians, gays and other oppressed groups;
  6. framing a process for the democratic development and ratification of governing documents;
  7. and convening a national convention to inaugurate an explicitly pro-feminist, gender critical, women led Green Alliance as a political association, independent of corporate parties and influence, uniting member state organizations to engage in elections and other political activities, whether inside or outside the Green Party of the United States.


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Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights
P.O. Box 1224; Carbondale Illinois 62903
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