California Legislature Weighs Incendiary Bill
Inviting Conflict Among States
Green Alliance Opposes Sanctuary
for Those who Mutilate Minors

Monday, July 11th, 2022

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California Legislature Weighs Incendiary Bill
Inviting Conflict Among States

Green Alliance Opposes Sanctuary
for Those who Mutilate Minors

The Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights last weekend adopted a statement urging “the strongest possible opposition to SB-107 [, that ] aims to draw young people from all over America to undergo irreversible pharmaceutical and surgical procedures”. If adopted, SB-107 would amend statutes related to criminal extradition, subpoenas, and jurisdiction over child custody to privilege and shield from immunity the gender medicine industry, worth billions in annual revenues. The bill is also designed to shield physicians and others providing so-called ‘gender affirming health care’ from all legal liability when they flee prosecution or civil litigation by relocating to California. The California Assembly now has before it a bill passed by the state’s Senate on a 32-0-8 vote which if enacted would prohibit California courts and law enforcement from cooperating with court orders and subpoenas from other states.  

“This bill gives a pass to kidnapping, runaways, criminal assault, medical malpractice, venue shopping in child custody disputes, and more,” said Romi Elnager, a retired public school teacher and Steering Committee member for the Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights.  “The rights of parents from across the nation to protect their children from harm will be thwarted. This measure would breach the cooperation constitutionally mandated for any state which would attempt to defend these parents’ role in their children’s lives. And they do so on behalf of an industry which profits by pathologizing puberty, a vital component of the human maturation process”.  

Elected officials and particularly Democrats have succumbed to the campaign contributions and high dollar public relation campaigns of pharmaceutical interests and others invested in medical transition. states that they exist to “help firms engage with the $5.2 Trillion LGBT+ market opportunity”.  Global Market Insights in a 2019 report states that the global market for just the so-called sex-reassignment surgery sector will be worth an estimated $1.5 billion by 2026, roughly 400% growth over six years. A December 2020 article in Forbes cites a source which estimates the U.S. transition market to ultimately be worth $200+ billion. Revenues expected for the pharmaceutical industry which markets for children, puberty blockers (used to chemically castrate sex offenders) and cross-sex hormones (creating a life-long dependency after the destruction of the endocrine system by  puberty blockers) are estimated to run a million dollars or more for each customer. This is in spite of a lifespan shortened (as already being documented) by the adverse impacts of these chemicals on patient longevity. 

Funders For LGBTQ Issues reports that roughly a fifth of the $183 million in philanthropic giving for LGBTQ+ causes in 2017 was targeted to transgender initiatives, wildly disproportionate to the number of trans-identified individuals among the population. Jennifer Bilek’s research asserts that much of that is at the behest of a handful of trans-billionaires and others invested in the medical transition market, including George Soros, Martine Rothblatt, the Pritzker Family, and particularly the Arcus Foundation, funded by Stryker Medical.  

Senate Bill 107 is framed by its sponsor, Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco, as an effort to provide sanctuary for minors who, with or without the knowledge or consent of their parents, seek so-called “gender-affirming medicine”. The bill’s language offers immunity and state protection to the practitioners who administer such controversial protocols who then flee to California from other states which have passed legislation seeking to hold practitioners liable for criminal assault, or civilly accountable for malpractice or the ethical breaches of mutilating surgeries in the absence of fully-informed consent. Gender ideologues would have us believe that minors too young to legally drink alcohol, get a tattoo, enter into a contract, consent to sex, or otherwise conduct themselves as adults are mature enough to consent to castration or the amputation of healthy breasts.  The truth is, no child has the capacity to understand the consequences of these radical interventions or their long-term effects..

“Heather Brunskell Evans has described gender-medicine as the only field of medicine which transforms a healthy body into a life-long patient,” said Hugh Esco, Secretary for the Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights.  “We constitute governments to promote the general welfare of its citizens, not the quarterly profits of campaign contributors.  We must restore legitimacy to the democratic process. We must halt this insane social contagion and the ideological capture of our governing institutions which drives and condones it.  It’s past time to heed the warnings of detransitioners who have direct experience with the adverse consequences of these practices.  We must respect the legitimate, peer-reviewed research which has weathered the abuses of ideological cancellation.  Neither the integrity of medical science nor gender confused young people should be sacrificed to the profit-driven pharmaceutical industry.  We must restore legitimacy to the democratic process.”

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To learn more about the Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights, see:

To learn more about SB-107, see:

Following the money:



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